Trump bout to win again
These are all things the Dems should be running on and in fact many in the potential field have supported
Trump bout to win again
Looks like the Dems will nominate Biden and then Trump will go after Biden's Senate record all over middle AmericaYup, it's about to be 2016 all over again. Trump is winning a reelection.![]()
Looks like the Dems will nominate Biden and then Trump will go after Biden's Senate record all over middle America![]()
They aren't even trying to hide it anymore like they did in 2016. At least they tried to insult our intelligence, but now they are doing it out in the open and pretty much telling voters, "We don't give a damn about what you want! We're going to tell you who to vote for and you better vote for them!"
It's funny to me that Biden and Sanders aren't even that much far apart from each other from age, but everybody is always like "But Sanders is so old! Biden should run instead!"
I name plenty of things Trump can destroy Biden on and I don't even support Trump nor hate Biden, but it's all baggage Biden has that's going to fall out the closet and make the Democrats look like a huge joke. Here's the thing though, if Biden is the leading candidate it's about to get so messy because Trump and Biden have ZERO chill with their mouth and their actions.
Biden already sh_tted on my generation, but yet older people say we don't vote. Well, Biden gave a lot of younger people reason to sit this one out (I don't agree with it, but I understand it). I'm tired of my generation getting sh_tted on by Baby Boomers. We didn't ruin this country.
Biden supporters can't even attack Trump anymore on all the things they use to because the same thing can be said about Biden.
Trump got too much ammunition that his term right now will be almost all forgotten.
Trump has reached peak fukkery saturation as well, so trying to attack him solely on his record or popular outrage is a limiting strategy. Like, what disparaging thing can you say about Trump that hasn't already been beaten to death in public discourse? There are only 3 2020 candidates who have had all the skeletons in their closet exposed: Bernie, Warren, and Trump. Beto is in the process of having his. Biden is fresh meat, and has nothing to pivot to. The candidate needs to be someone who can provide a vision outside of the Trump-centered discourse. Trump hate alone won't win this election.