the cac mamba
the best way to sum up my position is that im supporting biden for the exact same reason obama successfully and strategically chose him as his VPAnd yet Hillary is better, more popular than Joe and would have probably got him up out the paint if she had decided to run in the primary like it seemed she was threatening to.
As for independents, the person most likely to be supported by them is Bernie. And Moderate, blue no matter who dems...are going to choose Trump over Bernie if he's the nominee????? How many Joe Manchin's (who isn't even really moderate) are there? And would these a$$holes that would rather loose to big bad Trump to keep a couple dollars in their pockets ever be demonized like the mythical "bernie bros"?

the worst ether trump can ever deal with is being made into a one term joke. i hope the dems can pull it off