I like this first choice 2nd choice style of voting. we should make that a thing
Your post is why M4all is dangerous for ppl who support it without even knowing what it is.
M4all is not more comprehensive than peoples insurance. They cover way less stuff. Medicare advantage (private) covers more than Medicare. This is just a flat out lie.
Most Americans like universal healthcare. Not m4all with no private insurance. Poll: Most Americans want universal healthcare but don't want to abolish private insurance
In fact there are no developed nations providing high quality healthcare that don’t have private insurance. Canadians spent over 50 billion last year for private health insurance. U.K. spent billions as well. Private insurance is everywhere.
Though the dividing line between Democratic presidential candidates on “Medicare for All” concerns the elimination of the private insurance market, new Morning Consult data suggests that anxiety among voters may be misplaced fear about losing their providers rather than their private plans.
According to a Morning Consult/Politico survey conducted after the first Democratic presidential primary debates, support among voters for Medicare for All falls to 46 percent from 53 percent when respondents are told the government-run health system would diminish the role of private insurers — but rises back to 55 percent when voters learn that losing their private plans would still allow them to keep their preferred doctors and hospitals.
We just did that in NYC. I also think with Kamala out that Warren takes the lead here.I like this first choice 2nd choice style of voting. we should make that a thing
M4A proposals all allow for supplemental coverage of anything that isn't covered by the Medicare expansion and also expands Medicare to cover a lot more than what those two nations currently cover tho...so this isn't really very valid.
On the polling over abolishing private insurance, the polling trend goes back to positive if you say that they can keep their doctors. Here's amore recent article that uses a Morning Consult poll to demonstrate my point...
Detractors want you to believe M4A's private insurance purge is unpopular. Not true, per MC poll
@Warren Moon I ain’t reading all that shyt my guy. This isn’t 2012 on here. I have a job. I need a breakdown.
I am black and I am a progressive. Everyone who says they are, are not. What you outlined are problems that exist in the current system as well. Instead of improving Medicare for all, your idea is to scrap it all together because it needs tweaks? This is bad faith.o bro. That’s why y’all need to listen to poc progressives on m4all not white ppl. I’ve tried to educate tons of ppl on this.
Bernie and Liz gave STATES the rights to decide what’s covered and what’s not. It’s called medical necessity. Or whatever the state thinks should be covered will be covered
The bill further clarifies that items or services would be covered if they have been provided pursuant to a national practice guideline that has been recognized by HHS. Even when an item or service is not provided in accordance with a national practice guideline, it would be treated this way if the provider exercised professional judgment and acted in the patient’s best interest consistent with their wishes. Providers would also be allowed to override practice guidelines or standards if the override is a medical necessity and appropriate, in the patient’s best interest, and consistent with the individual’s wishes. This override option was not included in the Sanders bill.
CBO’s Report On Single-Payer Health Care Holds More Questions Than Answers
Medicare-for-all backers say the program would cover all medically necessary services. But what does that truly mean?
What may seem obvious — the notion of medical necessity — isn’t so easy to distill into policy rules. And different single-payer systems around the world handle the benefits question differently, the CBO noted.
For instance, Canada doesn’t cover prescription drugs, but the United Kingdom and Sweden do. Of those three, only Sweden fully covers long-term support services, according to the report.
There are two questions at the heart of it, said Robert Berenson, a health policy analyst at the Urban Institute, a left-leaning think tank.
What benefits would be covered? Would it include dental care or prescription drugs or vision, as Sanders’ bill would? And, how does one determine the discrete services included within those benefits categories?
Single-payer architects could look at existing standards, such as the so-called essential health benefits that govern Obamacare health plans, to determine what’s covered. They could be more generous by including long-term care, which isn’t currently covered by Medicare or most private insurance plans.
Even the two “Medicare-for-all” bills in Congress have slightly different takes. Though both provide for long-term support and services, they diverge on how to pay for it. Sanders’ bill covers only at-home long-term care and keeps Medicaid intact for services provided in institutions. The House bill by Rep. Pramila Jayapal (D-Wash.) covers both.
And there are questions about new medical treatments, and how to determine whether they provide added value. The CBO report suggested some kind of “cost-effectiveness criterion” could determine what the government is willing to cover. In practice, though, that standard could be difficult to develop and fall victim to political lobbying or trigger contentious debate.
Separately from the CBO report, McDonough noted, controversial medical services could bring up different kinds of political baggage — whether this plan would cover abortion, for instance, likely would change the single-payer debate.
Medical necessity disproportionately doesn't cover new treatments or even current treatments for African Americans. Literally in the fukking law, if they don't think everyone needs it(all americans not just blacks) they don't have to pay for it.
Your fukking signing black death certificates with your votes, stop listening to these liberal whites. Medicare for All needs to be FOR ALL. Listen to BLACK PROGRESSIVES
“Let’s take an IQ test”
Then he called him fat
Laziest campaign ever
I am referencing The NY Times poll from last week. Of course support will vary throughout the course of a campaign. Again, the problem with what you said is that we had a decade of Obama showing that they would see that sort of compromise as weakness. And then we saw Trump do whatever he wants. Basically, the lessen our generation learned was to stick to your guns because the other side is full of bad faith actors.down to 71%, furthermore across all it's down 51% overall favorability in the kaiser study (varies per other polls). this won't just be a dem issue so framing it as to what dems favor is wrong as it requires more support than that
lastly, successful negotiation comes from knowing you opponent. if your opponent stands at 10 and you're at 1, and knowing you'd be happy to meet at 7, you don't come in at 1. the gulf seems so unsurmountable that your opposnent rather walk away than deal with the unrealistic position you're presenting. unfortunately m4a is not the stronger opponent as there is already an incumbent plan in place that needs to be disrupted. starting the bargaining position at 3 does a lot more to move things forward.