intra vires

Glory to Michigan
Aug 3, 2017
The Catholepistemiad
The DNC convention is in Milwaukee. 40% of Milwaukee is black (so about 143,000 of 359,000)

If none of the Obama-Obama-Trump voters come back in large numbers these are the people you gotta bring back and have policy for.

This is piece on the color of economic anxiety is one I enjoyed reading about Milwaukee's black residents -- they have the highest rate of incarcerated black men in the country. Deindustrialization, wealth inequality, unemployment, and police discrimination have beaten the working class population to a pulp

The Color of Economic Anxiety | Current Affairs
I thought this article was new, then I read it and had deja vu. :mjlol:

Oh well, I'm going to share it like it is.:youngsabo:


Aug 15, 2014
Do you think these voters are looking to come back?
Or are they just a part of the black vote that came out solely to vote for a black man to be president?
for the black voters that didn't vote, I would say they would come back but it might take another election cycle? I mean the DNC picked Milwaukee so there must be serious specific plans in place to motivate these voters. I hope? You wouldn't pick the city that has the highest rate of incarcerated of black males to host the convention for nothing

Obviously a combination of Clinton apathy, not being Obama and little engagement with voters in Wisconsin during the '16 campaign factored into the low turnout. Campaigning helps lol but..

People there have been beaten down by poverty and jobs being moved out. they definitely are more pessimistic in general towards the political process than other parts of the country because they've been hit way harder. It's gonna take more than simply voting for someone in 2020 to change the direction of that city. Years of more organizing is needed. One of the few jobs that stayed steady and increased is the police :francis:

Activist groups and average folk will be on the ground so there's no excuse this time about not campaigning since the DNC will be there. I'm not expecting Obama turnout levels but if the entire party can get behind a message on admitting those conservative economic failures it's a start. Hammering down on those stats of rising unemployment rate since 1970 + the incarceration rate is gonna help. Being aware of those things will help. Attacking Trump's lies on working people will help

I'm not sure if this can be completely saved in one election cycle because the working class population there -- like I said -- has been beaten down worse than other parts of the country. Turn out was up 14% in the 2018 milwaukee county elections so they gonna need to capitalize on the momentum


The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State

The press can’t let Sanders duck the hard questions

Through much of the 2016 campaign, the press maintained a glaring double standard. Since then-candidate Donald Trump was, well Trump, he was rarely grilled on his policy notions (where’s your fabulous health-care plan? why should we believe you have one?), confronted with his outright lies or quizzed face to face on his finances. If a reporter had the audacity to ask a question, Trump would shy away and no follow-ups would be forthcoming.

The same pattern now repeats itself with Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.). He is indulged, allowed to skip by details, avoid probing and evade hard policy questions. We’d like to hear him pinned down, not permitted to move to the next topic without answering queries such as these:

  • You promised over a month ago to release your tax returns. Why haven’t you? You say you just need to fix a few things, but aren’t past tax returns completed? Why does it take over a month to get them posted online? What things do you need to fix?
  • You shut down a foundation recently. What percentage of donations were used to pay your son and other family members? How much did you take in? What was spent on programs? Who were your major donors?
  • Most of your major initiatives (e.g., Medicare-for-all) have never passed or gotten even majority support from Democrats. Are they all corrupt? How will you get plans through when many Democrats don’t support your plans and when the Senate filibuster remains?
  • What are your top legislative accomplishments in the Senate?
  • What did you fail to do on the 2016 campaign that allowed female staffers to be harassed? How could you not have known what was going on? If you couldn’t run an harassment-free campaign, why should voters think you can run an administration free from harassment?
  • Isn’t it time for the Democratic Party to nominate a woman for president? Why don’t you support one of them?
  • When will we see your medical records? You will be 79 years old on Election Day 2020. Isn’t there a legitimate concern you’ll be too old to serve and/or complete your term?
  • Explain what AI is and how it will affect our economy, please.
  • Should we increase legal immigration? Farmers need seasonal labor now. Do you support increasing guest-worker visas?
  • Should we enact a ban on assault-style weapons?
  • You voted for the 1994 crime bill that resulted in mass incarceration, disproportionately of African American men. Why?
  • Is Venezuela President Nicolás Maduro a dictator? Is Raúl Castro?
  • What specific provisions in the Trans-Pacific Partnership do you think justified rejecting the entire deal?
  • Do you support trade tariffs? Who pays the cost of tariffs?
  • Is capitalism inherently corrupt? Do you acknowledge that worldwide capitalism has lifted billions of people out of poverty?
  • You oppose reparations. How, then, would you address the wealth gap between African Americans and whites?
In the debates and interviews, Sanders should be pressed on these and other topics. Right now he is among the front-runners in the Democratic primaries, yet candidates with a fraction of his support get tougher questions. The media should reflect on whether Sanders gets a softer touch because he’s Sanders, and, if so, remedy that.

@wire28 @Return to Forever @ezrathegreat @Jello Biafra @humble forever @Darth Nubian @Dameon Farrow @General Bravo III @BigMoneyGrip @VR Tripper @Iceson Beckford [ @BaileyPark31 @Lucky_Lefty @johnedwarduado @Armchair Militant @panopticon @88m3


Apr 30, 2012
Shags & Leathers
Bernie is going to use the right wing media to unintentionally give him all the attention, like Trump did to CNN :umad:
Nah. I can guarantee you he..

1. Criticizes Dems at least once.
2. Acknowledges the "economic anxiety" of Trump's base.
3. Doesn't call out their racism.

It's interesting to me for such a far-left candidate you refuse to call him out on entertaining the Fox News right-wing propaganda machine, as if they won't be running Koch ads 24/7 starting next year against Bernie/socialism. Bernie would be better off using his time to work on learning how to talk to his friends, the black community, and addressing their concerns without a condescending tone.

Berniewood Hogan

Aug 1, 2012
Nah. I can guarantee you he..

1. Criticizes Dems at least once.
2. Acknowledges the "economic anxiety" of Trump's base.
3. Doesn't call out their racism.

It's interesting to me for such a far-left candidate you refuse to call him out on entertaining the Fox News right-wing propaganda machine, as if they won't be running Koch ads 24/7 starting next year against Bernie/socialism. Bernie would be better off using his time to work on learning how to talk to his friends, the black community, and addressing their concerns without a condescending tone.



In my own league.
Mar 25, 2014
Outer Space
Bernie Sanders camp: Black community ‘vibing’ with his 2020 campaign

Bernie Sanders' camp: Black community 'vibing' with his 2020 campaign

Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., greets supporters at a rally at Grand Park in Los Angeles, Saturday, March 23, 2019. The Vermont senator made a notable, second-place finish in California’s 2016 presidential primary when he won 27 of ... more >

Seth McLaughlin - The Washington Times - Tuesday, April 2, 2019
The co-chair of Sen. Bernard Sanders‘ presidential campaign said Tuesday it is time to put to bed the idea that the liberal firebrand is struggling to appeal to black primary voters.

“It continues to boggle my mind why people still want to put a narrative out that the African American community is not vibing with Sen. Bernie Sanders,” said former Ohio state Sen. Nina Turner. “They are vibing with him.”

Mr. Sanders‘ struggle with black voters in the 2016 nomination race has been well-documented. It was highlighted by rival Hillary Clinton’s 47-point win over Mr. Sandersin South Carolina, where 86 percent of black voters, who comprised 61 percent of the primary electorate, backed Mrs. Clinton.

Ms. Turner said the positive anecdotal evidence of black support she has seen on the campaign trail this year is reflected in polling that has shown that 71 percent of black Democrats hold a favorable view of Mr. Sanders.

Click here for reprint permission.


Master Baker
May 1, 2012

:mjlol:Copmala is already finished

:russ:establishment got behind her a little too quick

why the fukk she feel the need to speak on nipsey. her disconnected ass needs to stop tryna be down
I'm leaning more towards Bernie in general, BUT Warren's strong point is policy. I don't think anybody, except Bernie, can beat her on that.

I don't know how well she does in debates. I guess we'll see.
bernie doesn't beat her on policy...he beats her in popularity, that's about it.
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