2017 Happy Ether Day

Most memorable part of ether

  • Gunshots at the beginning

  • 2Pac saying fukk Jay Z

  • Calling him a stan

  • I rock hoes y'all rock felles

  • Eminem murdered you on your own shyt

  • the vulgerness of dikk sucking lips

  • Negro please

  • Jay getting chased in 88 calling the goat who didn't give him his number

  • 36 in a karate class taebo hoe line

  • Soul burn slow burn slow

  • calling him a camel

  • The hook

  • the beat

  • gay z and cock a fella records

  • Other

Results are only viewable after voting.


Apr 30, 2012
i wasnt on message boards then, but I can only imagine being in NY when radio was still king, and this coming on the radio unexpectedly out of the blue.

Probably had the city ready to explode :wow:

Stack Money

All Star
Apr 2, 2013
Los Angeles
Where, in fukking Appalachia? I ain't met one brother who used "rape" in place of "fukk" in my damn life. :picard:
You were straight up lusting and SAYING it was a rape fetish, now you trying to hide that? :why:
And with the Kardashian sister, you were legit talking about her ACTUAL rape, so you can't hide behind nothing. :ufdup:

Not to mention the vocab you used:

Yeah, you were "just" talking about sex, right, you sick fukk.

Oh, and

You delusional on top of sick my man? :what:

I "called them Nas stans" in what thread? I GOT receipts as a Nas stan on this site going back years. :skip:

And TSC? I never post there. CM Punk? Don't even know who he is. Watching wrestlin with the Coli? I ain't NEVER done that.

You stupid, sick, AND crazy. :snoop:
:pachaha:Look at your emotional ass still bytchin at me, nikkas be sayin it jokingly like goin "I'd rape" when they see a fine bytch I've seen cats do it on here too. I didn't bother to look at the specific posts you quoted but in that Bella Twins post I definitely was lustin sayin its a rape fetish I admitted that in my last post.:yeshrug: I ain't tryin to hide shyt your punk ass is just butthurt like a triggered rape victim havin flashbacks seein my posts, I was sayin Kim Kardashian likely did get raped and compared it to some porn shyt sayin that they coulda had Kourtney as well which is my fantasy.:takedat:

The fact you think I want to hide behind somethin when I openly admit wild shyt on here just shows your stupidity, of course I wasn't "just" talkin about sex since I was speculatin that she actually got raped in Paris so stop your cryin hoe you must be a fakkit feminist on top of perpetually angry. :ufdup:You refereed to nikkas in here as Nas stans in that Cavs thread but are denyin it cause you scared they gon run a neg train on your ass, I GOT receipts too -

He has me cracking up on the Ether thread right now, half cause he's so butthurt about Nas stans celebrating that he trying to interfere in that thread with the same shyt he do here (fighting a battle damn near 20 years old!)

don't YOU try to hide that you p*ssy:sas2: you blatantly lyin now you stay postin in TSC and were sobbin like a bytch when you first signed up a few years ago over me "ruinin your first night watchin wrestlin wit the Coli" cause I didn't believe your idol CM Punk's Tweets claimin Susan G. Komen are a fraud organization.:mjlol: You were angrily lashin out at me about that out of nowhere I don't even think I was talkin to you about it and simply said to another poster that it was bullshyt, you made autistic soundin posts rantin and ravin in long paragraphs desperately tryna get me to agree wit you goin back and forth wit me like you doin now til you finally said you blocked me but have been regularly respondin to my posts since then (usually whenever I insult your other idol LeBron).

I can't find the post cause I don't know how to dig thru someone's history like your loser ass does but just searchin your name in TSC turned up results from posts you got in there -

Because people idolize wrestlers far beyond the green ranger. The wrestling not being real already broke their hearts once, if a Rock stan finds out the lines were planted too, then now he's just a b-list actor with charisma.
Another reason I'm never going to buy "it's not just the South, it's the same everywhere" shyt.

I've never lived in the South (and I've only really spent any time in DC and Atlanta), but even just meeting White Southerners when they come to other parts of the country, a lot of them are on some :huhldup: shyt compared to any other White person in the world. And I can't even imagine what they must be like in their natural habitat.

:mmmhmmiseeyou:but you claim you never post there and by sayin you don't even know who CM Punk is that alone showed you were lyin cause errbody heard of him after his MMA debacle.

So you’re a follower :umad:
Nah I just demonstrated how what he thought happened to me actually happened to him.:manny:
Now I'm not saying you should run a neg train on @Stack Money :whoa:
But if you were gonna do it :sas1:
This is how it works :sas2:

First, you gotta explain what merits the train. I think you've got that covered with the abundant rape/incest receipts :huhldup:

Second you gotta let the people know you're running a neg train.

I keep it simple.

"All aboard the neg train"

A good train related gif helps.


Third...and most importantly...you gotta post a link so posters can just click the link and neg. Make it easy.
You click on the rep button of the post you want and open it up in a new tab or window. Then copy and past the link.
Here's an example:

Fourth...should have been number one to me...you gotta tag posters who are willing to neg a rape and incest enthusiast :prodigylol:
That shouldn't be too hard. :prodigylol2:
@Illeye buckmatic @Ziggiy @Billy Ocean @BmoreGorilla @MustafaSTL @tuckdog @spliz @InfamousThoro @mannyrs13 @Lord Mecca @Piff Perkins @YFN @Papa Shango in the flesh @Ill Clinton @Detroit Wave @dora_da_destroyer @Danie84 @Broke Wave @We Ready @JuvenileHell

No more than 20 notifications. 21 and on won't get the notification.
I even tagged some of the brehettes since he likes to post about raping them so much :scust:

Then you just sit back and watch your target's soul burn slow :ahh:

Again...this was for demonstration purposes only :sas1:
:michaeljordanlaugh:@ you tryna get a neg train started on me cause you pressed over my rape posts and think I give a shyt about bein negged, most of the people you tagged didn't even neg me anyway so you failed bytch:umad:but thanks for remindin me that I still gotta neg you.:lolbron:
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Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether
:pachaha:Look at your emotional ass still bytchin at me, nikkas be sayin it jokingly like goin "I'd rape" when they see a fine bytch I've seen cats do it on here too. I didn't bother to look at the specific posts you quoted but in that Bella Twins post I definitely was lustin sayin its a rape fetish I admitted that in my last post.:yeshrug: I ain't tryin to hide shyt your punk ass is just butthurt like a triggered rape victim havin flashbacks seein my posts, I was sayin Kim Kardashian likely did get raped and compared it to some porn shyt sayin that they coulda had Kourtney as well which is my fantasy.:takedat:

The fact you think I want to hide behind somethin when I openly admit wild shyt on here just shows your stupidity, of course I wasn't "just" talkin about sex since I was speculatin that she actually got raped in Paris so stop your cryin hoe you must be a fakkit feminist on top of perpetually angry. :ufdup:

Do you even know what you saying? :dahell:

You just went straight from "it's just something cats say" to "hell yeah I have a rape fetish I ain't tryin to hide it!" :what:

You refereed to nikkas in here as Nas stans in that Cavs thread but are denyin it cause you scared they gon run a neg train on your ass, I GOT receipts too -

Perhaps the imaginary person you fighting with ain't no Nas stan, but I am.

You got receipts like these?

I have Nas over anyone, so easy for me here.


If you only count solo albums, then I'm going with Rakim or Nas. It was like rap just changed with them.

Tupac doesn't fit here because it was more like he caught and became the pinnacle of the movement more so than being someone whose charisma could be imitated. There a reason why Pac was Jesus, but Nas wrote the Bible.

name a rapper that i ain't influenced

Tupac never made Illmatic. Tupac never could have made Illmatic. Illmatic completely revolutionized lyricism in rap, to the point where it influenced and changed Pac's style almost immediately. There was also a way in which Nas portrayed hood life that was more subtle and revealing than anything that had been done before, whereas Tupac tended more towards bravado (though I think he also got influenced to go this direction by Nas at times as well).

you blatantly lyin now you stay postin in TSC

You can do a search of my name - I got four posts in TSC ever and EVERY one of them either mocking wrestling or someone who post on that forum. :pachaha:

and were sobbin like a bytch when you first signed up a few years ago over me "ruinin your first night watchin wrestlin wit the Coli" cause I didn't believe your idol CM Punk's Tweets claimin Susan G. Komen are a fraud organization.:mjlol: You were angrily lashin out at me about that out of nowhere I don't even think I was talkin to you about it and simply said to another poster that it was bullshyt, you made autistic soundin posts rantin and ravin in long paragraphs desperately tryna get me to agree wit you goin back and forth wit me like you doin now til you finally said you blocked me but have been regularly respondin to my posts since then (usually whenever I insult your other idol LeBron).

I can't find the post cause I don't know how to dig thru someone's history like your loser ass does but just searchin your name in TSC turned up results from posts you got in there -

:mmmhmmiseeyou:but you claim you never post there and by sayin you don't even know who CM Punk is that alone showed you were lyin cause errbody heard of him after his MMA debacle.

You admit that you searched my name on TSC, came up with NOTHING other than a couple posts mocking wrestling fans on the internet, but you claim you just "don't know how to find" these imaginary posts I made that don't exist?

You okay man? :dwillhuh:

most of the people you tagged didn't even neg me anyway so you failed bytch:umad:but thanks for remindin me that I still gotta neg you.:lolbron:

They probably had used their negs. :manny:

@Illeye buckmatic @Ziggiy @Billy Ocean @BmoreGorilla @MustafaSTL @tuckdog @spliz @InfamousThoro @mannyrs13 @Lord Mecca @Piff Perkins @YFN @Papa Shango in the flesh @Ill Clinton @Detroit Wave @dora_da_destroyer @Danie84 @Broke Wave @We Ready and @JuvenileHell will probably come back and neg you later when they ready.

I mean, if someone gonna cape for rape, brag about literally having sex with their sister on the regular, hates on Nas on a thread full of Nas stans then hates on Lebron in a thread full of Lebron stans, who wouldn't neg them? :patrice:

Stack Money

All Star
Apr 2, 2013
Los Angeles
Do you even know what you saying? :dahell:

You just went straight from "it's just something cats say" to "hell yeah I have a rape fetish I ain't tryin to hide it!" :what:

Perhaps the imaginary person you fighting with ain't no Nas stan, but I am.

You got receipts like these?

You can do a search of my name - I got four posts in TSC ever and EVERY one of them either mocking wrestling or someone who post on that forum. :pachaha:

You admit that you searched my name on TSC, came up with NOTHING other than a couple posts mocking wrestling fans on the internet, but you claim you just "don't know how to find" these imaginary posts I made that don't exist?

You okay man? :dwillhuh:

They probably had used their negs. :manny:

@Illeye buckmatic @Ziggiy @Billy Ocean @BmoreGorilla @MustafaSTL @tuckdog @spliz @InfamousThoro @mannyrs13 @Lord Mecca @Piff Perkins @YFN @Papa Shango in the flesh @Ill Clinton @Detroit Wave @dora_da_destroyer @Danie84 @Broke Wave @We Ready and @JuvenileHell will probably come back and neg you later when they ready.

I mean, if someone gonna cape for rape, brag about literally having sex with their sister on the regular, hates on Nas on a thread full of Nas stans then hates on Lebron in a thread full of Lebron stans, who wouldn't neg them? :patrice:
:mjlol:@ you bein so mad you circlin back around to bytch at me over this and flat out beggin nikkas to run a neg train on me showin I got you PISSED:umad: quit lyin to yourself dikkhead most of those cats hadn't negged me recently they just don't give a shyt cause they ain't butthurt like you are. :michaeljordanlaugh:You keep naggin them as if they gonna rush to your rescue and neg me to make your emotional ass less upset, if I was them I'd neg you for buggin me cause your hoe ass can't fight your own battles needin back up and co-signs like the loser you are.

:pachaha:You so desperate for me to have a neg train run on me you tryna low key run down my "offenses" to them in hopes they get as "triggered" as you are and neg me out of obsessed loyalty to Nas and LeBron, you don't realize most cats on here have lives and don't care if I fukk my sister or if I joked about rape and won't get legit enraged at seein someone that isn't a Nas stan and most grown men don't suck off LeBron as hard as you do. :ufdup:And none of your earlier Nas posts change the fact that you called the dudes in that thread Nas stans as I clearly showed you and everyone else wit MY receipts.

YOU don't know what I'm sayin cause readin comprehension isn't your strong suit, I said both that cats use the word rape in place of fukk sometimes which even happens on here but it's not serious it's tongue in cheek when we do it and I also mentioned that in regards to what I said about the Bellas I was talkin about my rape fantasy of them.:yeshrug: And you said you literally didn't make a single post in TSC so I did a quick general search of your name on the board and turned up those posts:sas1:now that I found your posts in there that you said didn't exist you tryna move the goal post and spin it to put the focus on your new claim that those were all I could find but I could definitely find more if I spent time lookin thru your posts.:sas2: I told you I don't know how to comb thru posts like you stalkers do so I didn't dig in your post history goin back deeper to the post you made to me cryin about how I ruined your first night watchin wrestlin wit the forum.:dame:

:ifukkedup:You weren't clownin wrestlin fans either you were insultin specific posters like them TSC cats always do yall stay havin beef wit fellow wrestlin fans that post there, once again you try to spin the things you say in an attempt to twist it into somehow supportin your argument but I already proved you were lyin about shyt you claimed you didn't say and it took you a week to scramble for a way to deflect from this so give it up before you get further exposed wit those CM Punk posts (assumin you haven't already ran and deleted it by now:mmmhmmiseeyou: ).

Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether
:mjlol:@ you bein so mad you circlin back around to bytch at me over this and flat out beggin nikkas to run a neg train on me showin I got you PISSED:umad: quit lyin to yourself dikkhead most of those cats hadn't negged me recently they just don't give a shyt cause they ain't butthurt like you are. :michaeljordanlaugh:You keep naggin them as if they gonna rush to your rescue and neg me to make your emotional ass less upset, if I was them I'd neg you for buggin me cause your hoe ass can't fight your own battles needin back up and co-signs like the loser you are.

:pachaha:You so desperate for me to have a neg train run on me you tryna low key run down my "offenses" to them in hopes they get as "triggered" as you are and neg me out of obsessed loyalty to Nas and LeBron, you don't realize most cats on here have lives and don't care if I fukk my sister or if I joked about rape and won't get legit enraged at seein someone that isn't a Nas stan and most grown men don't suck off LeBron as hard as you do. :ufdup:And none of your earlier Nas posts change the fact that you called the dudes in that thread Nas stans as I clearly showed you and everyone else wit MY receipts.

YOU don't know what I'm sayin cause readin comprehension isn't your strong suit, I said both that cats use the word rape in place of fukk sometimes which even happens on here but it's not serious it's tongue in cheek when we do it and I also mentioned that in regards to what I said about the Bellas I was talkin about my rape fantasy of them.:yeshrug: And you said you literally didn't make a single post in TSC so I did a quick general search of your name on the board and turned up those posts:sas1:now that I found your posts in there that you said didn't exist you tryna move the goal post and spin it to put the focus on your new claim that those were all I could find but I could definitely find more if I spent time lookin thru your posts.:sas2: I told you I don't know how to comb thru dudes posts like you stalkers do so I didn't dig in your post history goin back deeper to the post you made to me cryin about how I ruined your first night watchin wrestlin wit the forum.:dame:

:ifukkedup:You weren't clownin wrestlin fans either you were insultin specific posters like them TSC cats always do yall stay havin beef wit fellow wrestlin fans that post there, once again you try to spin the things you say in an attempt to twist it into somehow supportin your argument but I already proved you were lyin about shyt you claimed you didn't say and it took you a week to scramble for a way to deflect from this so give it up before you get further exposed wit those CM Punk posts (assumin you haven't already ran and deleted it by now:mmmhmmiseeyou: ).

More piles of lies. You're even lying about your lies now, making up receipts for things I never said while saying you just ain't smart enough to find the receipts for the actual lies you were running with.

You're literally the only person on this forum who claims they too slow to use the search function.

Which means that literally every single person reading this can see which one of us is lying.

Bye clown.

The Guru

May 2, 2012
I was just thinkin about this the other day, but I think an underrated part of the song is the last line.

"Pop sh1t then apologize n1gga just ask(ass) Kiss"

It's a double entrende. 1. referring to Jay-Z apologizing to Jadakiss on his two-way 2. Called Jay-Z an ass kisser who's pop.
That double aunt audrey :wow:

Stack Money

All Star
Apr 2, 2013
Los Angeles
More piles of lies. You're even lying about your lies now, making up receipts for things I never said while saying you just ain't smart enough to find the receipts for the actual lies you were running with.

You're literally the only person on this forum who claims they too slow to use the search function.

Which means that literally every single person reading this can see which one of us is lying.

Bye clown.
I gave an ACTUAL receipt (somethin you wouldn't know about) showin exactly how you lied about callin people Nas stans and another receipt exposin your lie that you've never posted in TSC, those ARE the actual lies I was runnin wit but now you're tryin to do some tornado spin blatantly ignorin your lie that anyone can see and havin the audacity to say I still haven't found the receipt.:mjlol:

You basically resortin to full on denial and delusions because you know you got caught and if I spend time diggin deeper I'll get those old posts of you cryin about CM Punk and your butt buddies in TSC who you were desperate to watch Raw wit:dame: you even told yet ANOTHER lie in this post sayin I'm literally the only person on this forum who can't use the function.

:ufdup:I won't even bother doin a quick search of all the times someone has said they couldn't find a specific post usin the search engine but people constantly point out how amazed they are when a loser like you does it wit ease, even in that Trump/Haitians thread which is a trendin thread on here there were multiple people askin for someone to find old Trumpset threads (:jbhmm:gee I wonder why they would ask that if everyone knows how to use the search function, it couldn't possibly be because they can't do it themselves:patrice:) but accordin to you it's so easy and "literally" everyone can do it. It's not about bein slow or not smart enough (2 weak insults on your way runnin out the door like a coward before you get further exposed:francis:) like I told you in my last post it's about needin to know the specific thread or post you're lookin for otherwise you have to go thru a users history 10 pages at a time.

Since most people on here know it's difficult to use the function and everyone has seen other people mention the function is hard for them to use they DO know which one of us is lyin and it ain't me cac, especially since they have eyes and can read our posts you've said multiple things that I've proven to be lies from claimin you never called those posters Nas stans to you claimin you "literally" never posted inside TSC.:usure: I quoted your posts showin that you clearly did both of those things so that alone lets them see who the liar is. Hell even lurkers who've never used the search function know which one of us is lyin all they have to do is read my post that highlighted your multiple lies:heh: but you need to pretend everyone believes you in order to feel better about this L you took which speaks to you bein the type of loser who lives in his own fantasy world where watchin wrestlin wit the Coli can get ruined by someone insultin CM Punk.:pachaha: Your obsessive autistic behavior lets everyone know beyond a shadow of a doubt you would bytch at me about CM Punk for over an hour since you've been bytchin at me about this for over 2 weeks.:unclecharlesdead:

Now take your L and get the fukk out of here you punkass cac:pacspit:you're dismissed fakkit.:camby:
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