The less said about the Nicole Kidman/Daniel Craig version the better :Childress:
Yeah I didn't see it but I saw no need. Caught the 90s one a few months ago on Cinemax. Not bad not bad at all. Nice commentary on the military
The less said about the Nicole Kidman/Daniel Craig version the better :Childress:
The less said about the Nicole Kidman/Daniel Craig version the better :Childress:
I know the one from '93 was pretty decent...the most recent version is the one that should've never been made lolI think he means the '93 one with Gabrielle Anwar. It's just called Boby Snatchers. Nicole Kidman is called Invasion. I'm surprised no one has mention The Puppet Masters
This is gonna be a really interesting final list breh...easily the most controversial we have donedamn her was great but top 10???
This is gonna be a really interesting final list breh...easily the most controversial we have done
8. Ghost in the Shell
What is this?The anime?Honorable mentions - ghost in the shell
What is this?The anime?
damn her was great but top 10???
yea its anime, i think it's overrated as fukkWhat is this?The anime?