Galaxy Quest was a tough one to leave off...great damn movie1.2001 A Space Odyssey
3.Blade Runner
4.Return of the Jedi
5.The Thing
6.Close Encounters of the Third Kind
7.Star Trek IV:The Voyage Home
9.Galaxy Quest
Galaxy Quest was a tough one to leave off...great damn movie1.2001 A Space Odyssey
3.Blade Runner
4.Return of the Jedi
5.The Thing
6.Close Encounters of the Third Kind
7.Star Trek IV:The Voyage Home
9.Galaxy Quest
1.The matrix
2.12 monkeys
3.Attack of the block
6Back to future 2
7Children of men
8.the host
9.Minority report
10.District 9
Honorable mentions - ghost in the shell , looper,dark city, moon , aliens , t2, brazil, the box
The Box, breh :lebronyuk:The box??? Breh
I took off Dark City for Akira. Gattaca has really been getting a lot of love in these lists. For the longest, I thought I was the only one that loved it.1.) The Matrix
2.) Terminator 2
3.) The Day the Earth Stood Still(1951)
4.) Akira
5.) Dark City
6.) The Fifth Element
7.) The Thing(1982)
8.) Gattaca
9.) The Empire Strikes Back
10.) Attack the Block
HM: Moon, Men In Black, Interstellar, Event Horizon, 12 Monkeys
The Box, breh :lebronyuk:
it's just......the box?. :melohuh:It's just...nah lol. But it's his list
I took off Dark City for Akira. Gattaca has really been getting a lot of love in these lists. For the longest, I thought I was the only one that loved it.
In regards to "Gattaca", the story at its core is nothing revolutionary(triumph over a predetermined fate at birth), but its how everything comes together from the cinematography, the evolution of the camaraderie between Jude Law & Ethan Hawke as he each others lives began to move in the opposite direction of what was predetermined along with what Hawke's character was willing to go through to reach his goal to fly in the stars to simply escape to a place where perhaps he didn't have to pretend to be something he's not anymore, and the score, which further exclamates the emotional journey. I guess this film only resonates with a few because I don't know anyone offline who likes it or even knows it exists.
it's just......the box?. :melohuh:
Breh, that fukking movie was just....I feel like Bugs Bunny when he kept saying " Hansel???"
Breh, that fukking movie was just....
The worst part was that I LOVE LOVE LOVE that short story its based on and the Twilight Zone episode they did is a CLASSIC....but then this movie came out
Worst movie I've seen in a theater my entire life.
The Box breh:cosbyfacepalm:I saw it for free on tv so I couldn't be all up in arms as you are but I know the feeling and I sympathize breh![]()
The Box breh:cosbyfacepalm:
Perfect smiley :mandelahaha::mandelahaha::mandelahaha:The Box:brehplease: