He'll never get the job bruh, he won't even be on the short list. It'll be the same thing; make the "we have to satisfy our fans" call to Stoops yet AGAIN, Chris Peterson, and then probably some NFL reject.
I noticed that about the empty seats too
Am I the only one that thinks our team is super soft???? We just look small and soft out there. Even our D-line. As much as our front 7 is touted, you'd think they'd be goons out there but they stay getting bodied.
Agreed, especially what happened with Ron Zook. Florida "need" to find the big name or the hottest prospect coach which is totally the wrong way to look at things. Strong is doing a big thing a Louisville. Defense coming to fruition, taking 3 and 4 star outta Florida, and doing it with blackness at every position. Florida would be a good looking at him but you know they don't want a brotha as a QB let alone a coach.