You sound like the type of dude that works at 7/11 and has to construct these fantasies in order to rationalize theyre own garbage existence. all of you are the same. This plot makes zero sense. all youre doing is falsely connecting valid points like the american warmachine making corporations money with other nonsense. it doesnt add any validity to your argument and doesnt hold up to logic. on one hand, you want people to believe that there is some ultra-powerful group within the government that has enacted these incredibly elaborate plans for global domination and on the other, you use their supposed incompetence as proof of this plan. don't you think they would've covered the photoshop of the pictures more thoroughly and accurately if it was that important? If not, why leak them at all? To give clues of the plan to the legions of basement dwelling conspiracy trolls?
Maybe its you who isnt as sophisticated as you think.