2 white men shot Ahmaud Arbery in Brunswick, GA. UPDATE: GBI ARRESTS BOTH MEN & CAMERA MAN

Nero Christ

Sniper out now on all digital platforms brev
Jan 15, 2017
St. Lucia
Is probably been posted before, and maybe it’s futile, but here’s petition to disbar the DA that tried to sweep this under the rug:

Sign the Petition

With all this renewed interest in valuing Black lives, let’s get a second wind behind getting this racist piece of shyt, George E . Barnhill, out of a position of power. The case against these crackers is damning, and he tried not help them avoid prosecution. On the flip side, he spent years harassing a Black woman for some weak voter fraud allegations.
He didn't file charges in the Arbery case. But he spent years accusing a Black grandma of voter fraud.

He is the embodiment of white supremacy at work. Let’s keep our foot on their necks and get him disbarred along with the the other DA he recused himself to let sweep this case under the rug, Jackie L. Johnson

Signed...whole town needs to be exposed cause I believe it was said secret messages showed they were all out to get Ahmaud