You can’t ask it that simply because we most likely would’ve had to give up Danny Green. I’d take mook over Kuz now but I wouldn’t take mook over both Kuz and DG.

Got it
You can’t ask it that simply because we most likely would’ve had to give up Danny Green. I’d take mook over Kuz now but I wouldn’t take mook over both Kuz and DG.
mostly highlights...ill admit.. but he was keeping his assignment.. your telling me dude a scrub too?
I see Markief as the better overall player but Marcus was always more willing to play his role IMO.MARKEIFF WAS ALWAYS THE BETTER TWIN... MARCUS HAS JUST HAD A SMOOTHER CAREER PATH
Wack to push the game back that late.Both teams will have their seedlings secured by then probably. Either that or the bulls game will
be load managed