God Emperor of SOHH
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its not the whole thing but this guys page has a good 2 hours+ of the debate. watch for yourself, then we should discuss...
Sarasuten Seti Vs Brother Polight "Seti Presentation Part 1!! - YouTube
imo seti really came up short. he didnt stick to the topic and he spent most of his energy attacking dr. york. polight on the other hand came off very mature and wise. he didn't get overly emotional when provoked :getthiswork: and overall polight was simply coming with better information. on a side not though... i felt the question and answer was the best segment, because everyone got away from the personal stuff for the most part and focused on solutions. and it also made me realize how powerful we are as a people. for example, imagine if these two camps came together and worked in unison, polight with his economic and political plan combined with seti and his street militancy... that would be a powerful team.
pretty interesting take on the debate
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