This is why hoody bans and stop and frisks should be mandatory...this could have been prevented
Why that's nit his voting block anyway. When the election comes around black and brown will remember this. He should be allowed to speak his mind and not be blamed for every cops death or assault. The unions are just made because he wont fold to their demands on the unoin contract.
oh shyt
De blasio is about to be de fukked
He has the commissioner on his side breh. That union is fighting to stay relevant. It's not the only union in the NYPD. they're about to get the boot so their going for the hail marry. But blaming the mayor for cops deaths is only going to back fire. Especially since he spent a grip up grading vest and police safty gear. And that's coming from the top cop. These cop thugs don't want it in the political arena with a dude like DiBlasioWe all know this but the NYPD will continue to use DiBlasio as the scapegoat because of his anti-Guliani policies.
Theyre definitely doing to blame him, cause theyre already saying he fosters an environment hostile to police. Now a single city gets 2 cops executed, and another two shot in less than 30 days.
the heat is going to get turned up on him something serious
Why that's nit his voting block anyway. When the election comes around black and brown will remember this. He should be allowed to speak his mind and not be blamed for every cops death or assault. The unions are just made because he wont fold to their demands on the unoin contract.
consequences of joining a gang. That's the lifestyle they chose.
He has the commissioner on his side breh. That union is fighting to stay relevant. It's not the only union in the NYPD. they're about to get the boot so their going for the hail marry. But blaming the mayor for cops deaths is only going to back fire. Especially since he spent a grip up grading vest and police safty gear. And that's coming from the top cop. These cop thugs don't want it in the political arena with a dude like DiBlasio