And this is what I mean too… especially when I said at best it could’ve been a draw
6 rounds Ortiz out punched Teo.
5 rounds Teo out punched Ortiz.
1 round equal amount thrown.
5 rounds Ortiz out landed Teo.
3 rounds Teo out landed Ortiz.
4 rounds Teo and Ortiz landed the same amount.
It was a close fight it seems, and technically Ortiz could’ve won by points.
But judges not going to give the challenger the win unless it’s rigged.
Ortiz had to come to take the titles. Either by KO or an amazing performance that would leave no doubts. It was too close to give him anything, especially if he was backing up all night, not really showing ring generalship on the backfoot all night.
My coach always told me to go forward. Someone like Floyd is the only one I've seen go backwards and consistently get wins, but usually it’s because he put on a great show or clearly outclassed/out pointed someone and showed ring generalship as well.
Ortiz didn’t do that and it showed. He might have landed a few more punches
Agreed its not impossible but its not regularI can see a draw because Lopez did rally back after 7.
It's been plenty of fighters that won titles with the hit and don't get hit gameplan going back to James J Corbett beating John Sullivan