I don't even think it was this, More like the sheiks threw him a bag for Superslam and then Vince just couldn't help himselfWtf. How do you fukk up your hottest character again?
So let me get this straight, everything was going good with the fiends booking until one day Vince calls Goldberg and see’s if he can do mania. Goldberg says only if I can have a title run.
Vince agrees and since he already fought Brock he decides to ruin everything they built up with the fiend to please Goldberg and have his personal mega match with Roman?
I mean does he think people are going to rush to get wwe network to see 50 year old Goldberg at mania? Like why would the kids care about him he was before their time and everyone old enough to remember him I’m sure would have rather seen the fiend win. This is worse than the Seth bullshyt

They probably would've been fine seeing Goldberg kill Ziggler, Corbin, Roode, etc. and calling it a day