But the thing is that in the process to building up to this, they are cooling down Orton for no damn reason.
He comebacks, starts RKO'ing motherfukkers left and right until The Authority is forced to book him against Seth. Everyone goes crazy every week seeing how Randy takes people out until he gets to Rollins. You heard the pop he got last night and tonight, why the fukk over complicate a storyline?
Now they have to make the build to him turning on The Authority AGAIN interesting when there was no need for it. Hell, step one was tonight and Orton went from the most over guy toin just 1 show.
Orton's kinda dumb for rejoining the Authority again considering they were grooming Seth for Orton's spot BEFORE Orton got curbstomped. In fact, Orton not trusting the Authority and especially Rollins was planted as early as late August and confirmed in November when Rollins pretty much