Can we get @Swagnificent and @Everythingg outta here for promoting flat earth and saying African slavery was a myth? :martinbp:
Lord Jamar basically saying what I've been saying about the "slave narrative". The trans-atlantic slave trade has been overstated. Very few black Americans are descended from Africans who were brought to America against their will as slaves. Most black Americans are descended from 3 different waves of black people that came to the Americas by choice. The first were the black peoples who populated the Pacific Islands. The next wave were black people from Ancient Egypt and Ancient Phoenicia that traded with the original black civilizations of the Americas like the Olmecs. And finally it was the black sailors from the Mali Empire that also traded with the black civilizations of Central and South America and also ended up living alongside them.
Black people wake up. Everything we've been taught about our past is a lie.
EDIT: here more arguments being presented by woke brothas against the slave trade narrative:
There's no evidence of slave ships anywhere. PERIOD