1st Annual Memorial Day Purge

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Born To Mack
Nov 5, 2013
@SirBiatch for being a pedophile. I can't post the video from his FB account because he deleted it. But I can assure you, he was filming himself in a park full with children playing talking about 'everybody loves kids'.
You all know he doesn't have kids.

I can assure you I'm not fabricating this and not trolling. Lots of people saw the video I've posted from his account.

Edit: this are the quick replies I got after posting the video from his acc. before he went in damage control and had it all wiped.
this is news to me.

Paper Boi

May 15, 2013
Anyone nominate @∆y = f(∆x) yet? Y'all got so much to say when we aren't "on our jobs," now it some of y'all aren't speaking it with your chest. I don't mind dude too much but y'all been ready for him to be out of here for a minute but now all of a sudden I'm seeing some low level randoms being nominated. Keep that same energy.
i already pointed out him caping for darren wilson after the mike brown shooting.

but since it's memorial day, let's also not forget this gem of a thread he once created. Black Americans being more patriotic ... (@Napoleon now caught in a web of lies!) - post 653



Laughing at you n*ggaz like “ha ha ha”
May 1, 2012
Of course the ATL
@AVXL should be banned for being a c00n who wrote a rant shytting on Cam Newton to defend a racist white bytch, just because of NFC South rivalries

her being racist has nothing to do with the story :scust::scust::scust:

calls cam a "Negro athlete" when defending a racist white bytch :gucci:

The irony of your dumb ass calling anybody a troll is hilarious. You are the epitome of an ignorant,hostile race baiting fool who shouldn't be allowed to post. Your posts ain't shyt, your username ain't shyt and you ain't shyt bytch. Stop fukking quoting me maggot

Worthless Loser

Oct 3, 2015
At people thinking people ain't gonna play tomorrow lmao

The issue is that when someone sits for the anthem it's basically saying everything and all the people the flag represents are evil racists

So of course some people like the president will feel angry at anyone making that case.

I'm all for standing against police abuse and brutality but trying to pin that shyt on all of America is taking it too far and what did you expect the response to be

Sitting for the flag is a divisive statement attacking every one in the country who loves the country white black or brown
so what kind of white are you? and i'm Italian/Puerto Rican/Guatemalan...my skin is white but i'm kind of ethnically ambiguous like a Brandon Lee or Johnny Depp
Trump set all day!
That's impressive if trump got 13 percent of black men...we should work to make that 40 percent for 2020
Defending Hogan when Hogan's racist tape dropped.
I don't feel the sentiment here represents the majority opinion. People forget that in the 70s if you watched blaxploitation films and shows like Archie bunker racial epithets were way more common and thrown around casually. No matter what he said he was going to get pounced on in this forum. He said so many good things and was genuine but they all focused on one part of the interview. Hogan probably doesn't even remember why he probably said what he said. It was coming from anger and its most likely because he saw the guy as ignorant rapper who wanted to mistreat his daughter...not saying it's true or not but those were clearly his thoughts. I don't see white america calling him a p*ssy more angry at pc culture. The black friends that grew up liking Hulk Hogan in my circle are still Hogan fans...so this forum isn't indicative of real public sentiment
Attacking Trayvon in a heartbeat.
And if Trayvon Martin doesn't throw a punch or the first strike and just keeps it moving he would be alive as well. If trayvon stops pummeling him when Zimmerman cries for help he would be alive as well. Sometimes we all make decisions that lead to terrible consequences and people have done much worse than Trayvon and don't have any repercussions ...Trayvon's tweets show he was thirsty for battle and blood sine he said he was mad he didn't make his last opponent bleed so for Trayvon it was a perfect opportunity to practice his new found mma skills but he wasn't in a controlled environment with a referee and the opponent had a weapon

Bad choices that didn't deserve death but always a risk when you attempt to hurt someone else
For those that don't end up watching it i'll summarize some of the main points. Lets try to keep personal stuff out of it and simply bring up facts and try to pin down the more likely situation of what happened as opposed to a narrative that fits what you want. These are not my bulletpoints just a summary of the video

*Trayvon Martin was taking MMA classes and tweeted that he hopes his next opponent gets to bleed more
*Stolen property and tools to break into homes were found in Trayvon's locker but school did not want to have police involved and didn't want police report
*The Iced tea that everyone talks about which was found was actually Arizona Watermelon drink....Trayvon Tweeted that mixing skittles robitussun and Arizona Watermelon drink makes some "fire ass lean"
*Autopsy found Trayvon's liver damaged by lean which supports idea of someone being paranoid
*witnesses claim Trayvon was on top giving Zimmerman mma style blows while Zimmerman yelled for help
*Zimmerman actually helped out a homeless black guy who was assaulted by son of Police officer and Zimmerman put up flyers until son of Policeman was charged with assault of homeless black man
*Timing shows Trayvon was not being pursued and was waiting and could have gotten away from Zimmerman but waited for him when analyzing time span and distance
*Police did not charge because Zimmerman's head was being pounded on concrete and had he not shot Trayvon permanent damage or death could have occured to Zimmerman
*Charges did not happen until there was political pressure from white house and other political forces which shows evidence of weak case

Number 1 that is the only story available by the only witness who witnessed everything. The other witnesses were able to corroborate the ending of Zimmerman's account with Trayvon being on top. Zimmerman doesn't have a history of randomly killing people and to use a statement like "how do you know he wouldn't have shot him anyway" just doesn't fly in an argument of logic when we are searching for certainties of what we know.

Trayvon did show a propensity for violence on twitter, lean usage, and robbery tools were found in his locker. This doesn't make Trayvon an evil person but clearly it fits the narrative of someone who saw an opportunity to pummel someone when he had the chance. and without strong evidence against Zimmerman's account and witnesses corroborating the end encounter you are left with very little choice but to hand out a not guilty verdict
liberal sissies have become unhinged dumping life long friends because of their cognitive dissonance...these idiots really think Trump is a white supremacist

bunch of fukktards
He's your typical reddit racist white boy that tries to tip toe around being direct with how he really feel. He doesn't belong here.

Jimmy Two-Times™

Coli Mods Catch Me If U Can Forgive Me Imma Ridah™
Jan 17, 2013
Peckham™ Come Get Me!
why he ain't banned already:wtf:
@SirBiatch for being a pedophile. I can't post the video from his FB account because he deleted it. But I can assure you, he was filming himself in a park full with children playing talking about 'everybody loves kids'.
You all know he doesn't have kids.

I can assure you I'm not fabricating this and not trolling. Lots of people saw the video I've posted from his account.

Edit: this are the quick replies I got after posting the video from his acc. before he went in damage control and had it all wiped.
:scust: Perma ban or SUSpension ban:dame:?

:scust: I never heard about that one.
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