If I needed to map a computer generated rendering of Tupac’s consciousness I could easily do that within 97% accuracy. It’s really just a fancy way of saying that I could do a good impression of Tupac. Like a comedian doing a Michael Jackson impression. Basically if you absorb enough of someone content it should be easy for you replicate it. There are people who can write a perfect Art Barr post. Because I’ve absorbed enough of his content, creatively and charismatically it would be easy for me to generate some Tupac-esque content
Some people take this a step further and consult with these mind settings. “What would Tupac do?”
Napoleon Hill calls this consulting with your table of delegates. Speaking of Napoleon Hill, if you’re interested in gathering a criteria of standards for your morals and ethics that will advance your position in life, read Napoleon Hill. I surmise that Tupac and Jay Z would agree with me on this, read Napoleon Hill
Anyway, anyonr who would do this is really just paying a million dollars to be near someone they are a fan of
Since you are in no position to make anything of all of these wisdoms you would supposedly be receiving, what are you gonna do make an Instagram post? Tell your friends about it for the next 5 years of your life? The next 10 years? “I had dinner with Jay Z” … ohhh “that’s my friend ____ he’s had dinner with Jay Z” .. can you put that on a loan application … is your next business plan going to garner extra attention from investors because you were willing to set a million dollars aside rather than listening to the man’s album, watching an interview and becoming sufficiently influenced by whatever content you see value in. To sim it up, read a book. Maybe trace the lineage of his influences and follow them so you can have a piece of the same knowledge base.
I’ve met my music idol doing exactly what I love and nobody in my life gave a shyt. The man is known for being one of the greatest music production geniuses in hip-hop, he came from his VIP section in the back to approach the stage to commend me a for a song production I created myself and financed the production of myself … said west coast legend then takes the microphone and recites the chorus of my song as the crowd is going crazy literally nobody in my life ever have a shyt, it’s a small footnote that only means something to me. I could show you the post with the video on Instagram having something like 10 or 15 likes. Nobody is going to give a shyt because you paid a million dollars to eat with Jay Z. Might be a nice comedic bit if you have any friends venturing into comedy, but those who are in good financial standing use such opportunities to donate money to organizations in exchange for maybe sitting down for an hour with someone like Warren Buffet … Jay Z has moved into this category … but we’ve already spent way too much time on this .. take the million, read a book and SPEND less TIME on dinner plans