Faith sealed her own FATE by playing politics. Many in the community told her that if there wasn't an indictment that she would not be re-elected. She gambled with the notion that she didn't want to be seen as anti cop in a election cycle. She also wasn't elected to the seat, she put there by Greg Abbott who appointed and she thought she could win on his ticket...Yo @heart we need an update
This whole thing is peak Trump. Blame, deny, deflect, nothing is ever a loss, I'm the best, everybody in the country loves me the people that don't clearly are illegals or criminals.
He's a fukking nutjob, it wouldn't surprise me if he blows his brains out or tries to start a terror campaign from within his base if he loses.
I mean a decade ago him mocking that disabled reporter like he did would have been enough.You shouldn’t be making fun of people’s accents as the President of the United States.
White guy mentioned 8% approval from black people isn't impressive