1619 Project Founder Nicole Hannah Jones vs Yvette Carnell and Antonio Moore


Jul 23, 2012
You don't impress me. Go take a Benadryl and lay down, junior.

Yeah of course, u scared as usual. Continue your useless 'hiding under the bed' rants on the coli and not dealing with reality.

U playing games on the web. Immediately tariq announced he might run, roland martin had an emergency meeting with his fellow cronies and they decided to rush that farce to calm shyt down.

Stay in your lane fool and continue your stupid shenanigans on here, fukking dummy living fantasies n shyt on the internet. U don't even know what's going on.


Politics is an EXCHANGE!!!
May 25, 2012
DMV Freedman
I don't think Hannah Jones is as bad as the other media bootlicks. I've seen some of her work on segregation in the school system and gentrification.



Jul 23, 2012
Yvette & Tone got you fukking bozos mad... again

They've done so much damage to the establishment in such a short amount of time, it's fukking ridiculous. Roland martin always talks about tariq, yvette and the black authority behind the scenes SMH.

Tariq be clowning all the time but he doesn't know how much feared he is by these people. Roland martin is always eavesdropping trying to gain intel to pass on to his fellow frauds. It was him who recommended the idea to go to ghana on that pan african shyt.

Notice how he was always wearing dashikis on his show weeks before the trip. Now all that fake pandering shyt has stopped. All them people are shook for real.

Scott Larock

Its hard leaving thecoli but I gotta find a way...
Mar 11, 2013
Itll be a sign that America still isnt ready for a black news show or to discuss black issues. It would be no more successful then if they had invited Yvette Carnell herself to host her own show.

Its really funny how Yvette Carnell fans feel more threatened by other black people who may not share their exact same extreme views and counter-productive methods, even if they agree on the same issues and share the same end goals, than with white folks who shares nothing in common with your views on America or racism.

Yall hope a show hosted by talented set of black people fails but I'm sure you wont have one bit of a problem with the white anchor that replaces it.

Yall hope Kamala Harris in particular fails and never returns to politics even though she shares more or less the same policy agenda, same views on immigration, same views on social justice, and same views on reparations as all her white counterparts. Even though of all the people running for President today she is the only one that can say as a lawmaker she has done anything exclusively for the black community (passed budget increases for HBCUs in 2018 and introduced legislation to tackle black femlae discrimination and mortality rates). But lets gang up on the only black woman on the stage with a snowball chance in hell at the White House, as if she owes it to us to run for President of the United States pigeonheld to black issues only, pigeonheld to pipe dreams reparations, the demands of some hashtag full of kids who dont plan to vote or contribute to society any way. And she owes it to us to basically tank her own campaign by addressing multi-generational African Americans only, denigrating and alienating all other demographics as "foreigners."
She's somehow, according to the ADOS, the only candidate that owes us all that--the only candidate the black community should be mobilizing against--while the others white candidates are free to manage and conduct their campaign as they see best fit. Meanwhile we cant even get over her ethnic background.

Yall root for the downfall of West Africans, Caribbeans, and Latinos from living in "your country," somehow holding them accountable for all "anti-blackness" in the world, but yall seem to have this oddly rosy prospect of reparations, a black only policy agenda, and reducing this country of "anti-blackness" by restoring America back to a 85% white country. I dont get it.

Yall want all black voices besides Yvette Carnell and ToneTalks exposed and defeated but are quick to call Ann Coulter or any right wing psycho that hates Latinos an "ally."

And Im not even gonna get on the bandwagon hatred for Democrats, particularly black Democrats, while acting as apologists for every Trump talking point there is.

Instead of strengthening and boosting all voices for reparations and black issues Yvette Carnell and her cult-like following seem most determined to tear them all down. Its as if yall dont hate white power or want reparations at all, and care more about serving and protecting Yvette Carnell's YouTube brand then anything else.

You're just a time wasting agent, Kamala Harris shares nothing in common with the AA experience and you know it, I think you and others like you have a issue with hierarchy and that's what your angry about.

Yvette, Tone and Tariq are hustling, ya'll call them "ignorant negroes" and whatever like Roland Martin and so forth... the real issue is ya'll got dudes on the internet doing better and having more voice than mainstream and IMO their not qualified to speak on such topics and that's where you and many others have a problem.

No different than the drug dealer driving a bimmer and you driving one and you saying "oh he sells drugs though". Ya'll don't consider them your equal but the fact that nikkas talk about them frustrates you so you trying to understand why most people listen to them so you just assume is ignorant or dumb broken nikkas with NO DADDY.

It's the core of the hate that Tariq, Tone and Yvette gets is from more upper educated blacks who have a problem with some dudes on youtube with a iphone camera getting 5000 live viewers literally having more saying than CNN bootlicks...

They actually getting it done and going away from the white liberal, let's have a discussion talk...

You know if this keeps up all of your favorite black personalities can be taken off the air right?

Scott Larock

Its hard leaving thecoli but I gotta find a way...
Mar 11, 2013
They've done so much damage to the establishment in such a short amount of time, it's fukking ridiculous. Roland martin always talks about tariq, yvette and the black authority behind the scenes SMH.

Tariq be clowning all the time but he doesn't know how much feared he is by these people. Roland martin is always eavesdropping trying to gain intel to pass on to his fellow frauds. It was him who recommended the idea to go to ghana on that pan african shyt.

Notice how he was always wearing dashikis on his show weeks before the trip. Now all that fake pandering shyt has stopped. All them people are shook for real.

Roland really can't do anything, he can't get too bold cuz he loses his job whereas tariq got a asian WS fired in Atlanta... not granted cacs look out for other cacs but at least she got fired...

Roland can't say nothing harsh cuz he needs a job, he can't say that same action....

And the agent brought up Ann Coulter dude do you know how much worse these WS are on youtube compared to Coulter? Even Coulter had to fall black on certain topics....

They have no credibility because they're bought and paid for.. the internet and social media will wipe them all out because people want things done.

Look at these mass shooting now, people are tired of the talk... even racist want action...


Nov 18, 2016
Maybe Tone has. But Yvette, AFAIK, has been on the #ADOS thing for only 2-3 years.

Yvette has been about ADOS for years now. I was introduced to Tone through Yvette (as I was introduced to Yvette via Dr. Boyce). And it’s unfair to note that Yvette only has been about ADOS for 2-3 years when that specific moniker was only created (by Tone & Yvette) 2-3 years ago.

In terms of the topic, there are so many people trying to co-op this grassroots movement & trying to divert it to (1) a dead end or (2) an all inclusive, all POC, demand for reparations. If this wasn’t the truth, then why do these people find it so hard to mention Tone & Yvette’s names. If you don’t like them, because they can be saucy, they could at least mention Dr. Sandy Darrity. They are clearly trying to co-op & divert.
Last edited:


May 21, 2012
Yvette has been about ADOS for years now. I was introduced to Tone through Yvette (as I was introduced to Yvette via Dr. Boyce). And it’s unfair to note that Yvette only has been about ADOS for 2-3 years when that specific moniker was only created (by Tone & Yvette) 2-3 years ago.

In terms of the topic, there are so many people trying to co-op this grassroots movement & trying to divert it to (1) a dead end or (2) an all inclusive, all POC, demand for reparations. If this wasn’t the truth, then why do these people find it so hard to mention Tone & Yvette’s names. If you don’t like them, because they can be saucy, they could at least mention Dr. Crosby. They are clearly trying to co-op & divert.

This is Yvette in 2016 shytting on identity based politics such as reparations and advocating for class based Bernie Sanders types of solutions. Relevant parts bolded. Sounds totally different than she sounds today.:

Elections, Reparations and Beyonce: Class Politics in Black America


BALL: So Yvette, you know, between Ta-Nehisi Coates and Bernie Sanders we’ve heard more conversation about reparations, it seems in the last couple of months than we have in a long time. Where are you on this, and how does this, how does the issue of reparations for you dovetail with broader issues of race and class?

CARNELL: Well, listen. I would tell anyone that I am in favor of reparations. But reparations for me looks a lot like what Bernie Sanders defined. Reparations for me is massive investment in poor communities. And for me the whole problem with Ta-Nehisi Coates and what he, and what he did, what he did to me was really intellectually bankrupt. Because what he’s asking black people to do is follow this kind of identity politics, this kind of black identity politics, everything has to be about us being black people as opposed to everything being about us being poor people, disproportionately poor. And he wants us to follow down that road which really is a road to nowhere, leads to a goose egg.

You know, the most interesting thing to me about what Ta-Nehisi Coates said in terms of how he defined reparations is that he never really defined reparations. And he, and when you ask him about, hey, what does reparations look like and what is it supposed to be he says, well, I don’t have all the answers. Well, what you really don’t have is an argument. You’re happy to define reparations for yourself, but you’re telling me that what Bernie Sanders has here doesn’t go far enough.

And I would, I would ask, like he says, you know, he said in a more recent piece, he says, you know, black people have more concentrated poverty. Black people are even more poor than white people, than white poor people. That’s who we are. Well, that’s true. But that goes, that really guts his case. Because if you really know how poor we are as black people then you know that, okay, cutting us a check ain’t going to get it, and what we need is real infrastructure and real investment from the government. Everything from healthcare, everything to, everything from free college education. I mean, when you look at Flint, Michigan right now, that’s just perfect for me. You can’t, you can’t give black people a check for Flint and say, okay, deal with your stuff. That’s some, this is something that’s going to take massive investment from the government to fix.

And so the real, the real intellectually bankrupt part of Coates’ argument is that he doesn’t define an argument for himself other than say, you know what, black people are really, really poor. And socialism doesn’t go far enough. This sort of socialism stuff doesn’t go far enough. Well, that’s really not good in terms of a salient argument, is it, if I say that this doesn’t go far enough. It goes very far, and you haven’t defined how it should go further. The only thing you’ve really said, and the only thing Ta-Nehisi Coates has said, is he says that this sort of socialist politics does not vanquish racism. Those were his words. Well, my response would be nothing vanquishes racism. And we shouldn’t be concerned with vanquishing racism. I’m not concerned whether or not the white guy across town loves black people, or whether he hates black people. What I’m concerned with is the material consequence of racism. And the only way to help alleviate or ameliorate those consequences is through massive public investment that looks a lot like what [Sanders] is talking about.


Nov 18, 2016
Imma say this, and I already know it's probably not going to make sense for you, but if your MAIN concern in the fight for reparations is whether or not you get a shoutout then something is seriously wrong. Yvette and Tone continue to prove they don't know how to engage people on this issue and then you wonder why they're not getting a mention. At best, they could've reached out to Nicole Hannah Jones about coming on one of their shows to talk about her project.

But just like the Talib Kweli incident (who literally said he SUPPORTS reparations) they came at her wrong, making this about them and now the woman is asking them to stop tweeting her

It’s not about a shout-out. It’s about a movement being taken over & diverted away from its true mission.
Feb 5, 2016
Yvette Nd tone saying no bs Articles if u not gonna do the work.

They want to talk about but it but not fix the issue.

They trying to get a apology and kumbaya. Ados need the check and programs not no kumbaya bs.

Yvette and tone is right tell them to fix the issue


Nov 18, 2016
This is Yvette in 2016 shytting on identity based politics such as reparations and advocating for class based Bernie Sanders types of solutions. Relevant parts bolded. Sounds totally different than she sounds today.:

Elections, Reparations and Beyonce: Class Politics in Black America


BALL: So Yvette, you know, between Ta-Nehisi Coates and Bernie Sanders we’ve heard more conversation about reparations, it seems in the last couple of months than we have in a long time. Where are you on this, and how does this, how does the issue of reparations for you dovetail with broader issues of race and class?

CARNELL: Well, listen. I would tell anyone that I am in favor of reparations. But reparations for me looks a lot like what Bernie Sanders defined. Reparations for me is massive investment in poor communities. And for me the whole problem with Ta-Nehisi Coates and what he, and what he did, what he did to me was really intellectually bankrupt. Because what he’s asking black people to do is follow this kind of identity politics, this kind of black identity politics, everything has to be about us being black people as opposed to everything being about us being poor people, disproportionately poor. And he wants us to follow down that road which really is a road to nowhere, leads to a goose egg.

You know, the most interesting thing to me about what Ta-Nehisi Coates said in terms of how he defined reparations is that he never really defined reparations. And he, and when you ask him about, hey, what does reparations look like and what is it supposed to be he says, well, I don’t have all the answers. Well, what you really don’t have is an argument. You’re happy to define reparations for yourself, but you’re telling me that what Bernie Sanders has here doesn’t go far enough.

And I would, I would ask, like he says, you know, he said in a more recent piece, he says, you know, black people have more concentrated poverty. Black people are even more poor than white people, than white poor people. That’s who we are. Well, that’s true. But that goes, that really guts his case. Because if you really know how poor we are as black people then you know that, okay, cutting us a check ain’t going to get it, and what we need is real infrastructure and real investment from the government. Everything from healthcare, everything to, everything from free college education. I mean, when you look at Flint, Michigan right now, that’s just perfect for me. You can’t, you can’t give black people a check for Flint and say, okay, deal with your stuff. That’s some, this is something that’s going to take massive investment from the government to fix.

And so the real, the real intellectually bankrupt part of Coates’ argument is that he doesn’t define an argument for himself other than say, you know what, black people are really, really poor. And socialism doesn’t go far enough. This sort of socialism stuff doesn’t go far enough. Well, that’s really not good in terms of a salient argument, is it, if I say that this doesn’t go far enough. It goes very far, and you haven’t defined how it should go further. The only thing you’ve really said, and the only thing Ta-Nehisi Coates has said, is he says that this sort of socialist politics does not vanquish racism. Those were his words. Well, my response would be nothing vanquishes racism. And we shouldn’t be concerned with vanquishing racism. I’m not concerned whether or not the white guy across town loves black people, or whether he hates black people. What I’m concerned with is the material consequence of racism. And the only way to help alleviate or ameliorate those consequences is through massive public investment that looks a lot like what [Sanders] is talking about.

You misconstrued what was said. Firstly, Yvette has always leaned towards socialism (which I personally disagree with). However, her definition of what ADOS reparations would look like mimics a form of socialism (similar to what Bernie would propose) specifically for ADOS.

It is disingenuous for you to attempt to use this video to support your POV as the language of ADOS had not yet been formed. Furthermore, in the beginning of the video, she is introduced as the speaker for her platform, Breaking Brown. Because I have watched her show, starting with Irami, since it’s inception, I know FOR A FACT, that while she may have not stated ADOS, that is what she meant. Irami is 1/2 ADOS & 1/2 Ghanaian & HE would often discuss how reparations were necessary for black descendants of USA slaves & how the different arms of the african diaspora should support us instead of piggybacking on corrective support systems that were not intended for their group. And Yvette would support this notion. Again, she did not have the language to properly identify ADOS, but that is what she meant & who she was referring to in terms of a specific social policy.

And as far as identity politics is concerned, Yvette still disagrees with a certain form of identity politics. She still disagrees with the “we’re all black” mantra as our lineage has had different impacts on our collective group. It wasn’t until later where she & Tone combined the (a) distinction of us within the African diaspora with (b) the collective wealth disparity (aka class) experienced by our group to form (c) the ADOS moniker which properly identifies who we are as an American collective.

And no, cutting a check is not the end of reparations...it’s only the beginning.

And even with all that, she has mentioned several times, how she no longer supports Bernie. She mentioned that she wasn’t a Bernie supporter within the first 3 minutes of your video.

I guess I can see how you came to your interpretation, but you are missing a lot of historical context.


May 21, 2012
You misconstrued what was said. Firstly, Yvette has always leaned towards socialism (which I personally disagree with). However, her definition of what ADOS reparations would look like mimics a form of socialism (similar to what Bernie would propose) specifically for ADOS.

It is disingenuous for you to attempt to use this video to support your POV as the language of ADOS had not yet been formed. Furthermore, in the beginning of the video, she is introduced as the speaker for her platform, Breaking Brown. Because I have watched her show, starting with Irami, since it’s inception, I know FOR A FACT, that while she may have not stated ADOS, that is what she meant. Irami is 1/2 ADOS & 1/2 Ghanaian & HE would often discuss how reparations were necessary for black descendants of USA slaves & how the different arms of the african diaspora should support us instead of piggybacking on corrective support systems that were not intended for their group. And Yvette would support this notion. Again, she did not have the language to properly identify ADOS, but that is what she meant & who she was referring to in terms of a specific social policy.

And as far as identity politics is concerned, Yvette still disagrees with a certain form of identity politics. She still disagrees with the “we’re all black” mantra as our lineage has had different impacts on our collective group. It wasn’t until later where she & Tone combined the (a) distinction of us within the African diaspora with (b) the collective wealth disparity (aka class) experienced by our group to form (c) the ADOS moniker which properly identifies who we are as an American collective.

And no, cutting a check is not the end of reparations...it’s only the beginning.

And even with all that, she has mentioned several times, how she no longer supports Bernie. She mentioned that she wasn’t a Bernie supporter within the first 3 minutes of your video.

I guess I can see how you came to your interpretation, but you are missing a lot of historical context.

Reparations for ADOS specifically IS identity politics. She says verbatim they she is not for this approach, but rather prefers classed based policies for poor people. You’re doing a lot of juelzing to protect your girl but the proof is in the pudding — her own words.