15 Year Old Mike Tyson Shadow Boxing

Stack Money

All Star
Apr 2, 2013
Los Angeles
nah i ment not good bro but ha belive your shalion bullshyt all u want
:francis:@ your retarded ass quotin my same post multiple times.

i meant their ineffective against boxing plus are u black i mean u shold hold jim kelly in more regard than fuking bruce lee u must be cac or something so.u think jet li could beat roy jones?
:sas1:Jim Kelly is another one that sparred wit Bruce Lee and speaks on his greatness, and quit tryna bring other people into this we talkin bout Bruce and Tyson.

u can belive that but lee a corspe and was killed by a asprian so lol plus u still have evidence post a video of him actual fighting bro oh wait u cait but u seen this footage but cant find :francis::upsetfavre::troll::sadcam::umad:your idols a fraud how was a scared man that couldn't fight so he fought on camera he revolution mma no why there's no jkd dojo oh i forgot cause it not a good style for fighting gooons in the street
:pacspit:@ your disrespect of the GOAT, any search will turn up sparrin sessions he had just watch any of his tons of documentaries. Like I said he didn't fight in tournaments but he fought masters in trainin to constantly get better and fought anyone who ran up on him wit some bullshyt, and there are masters who teach JKD all over the world its the best fightin style for the streets cause it was USED for street fights and is a hybrid of the best disciplines.

“I fear not the man who has practiced 10,000 kicks once, but I fear the man who had practiced one kick 10,000 times.”

Bruce Lee
:ufdup:Bruce also practiced his kicks 10,000 times tho which is why he said that in the first place, dude stayed trainin goin from discipline to discipline as a novice fightin teachers that were highly trained in the style and would more than hold his own.

Your trying so hard, bless your heart!
Ironic given how hard you tryin wit this lame shtick after I shut down your little temper tantrum.

This dude is arguing that Bruce Lee can defeat late 80s Mike Tyson because Bruce Lee ALLEGEDLY beat some Japenese teenager in a Boxing match while they were both high schoolers:dead:

That's one of the stupidest things I've ever heard in my life breh...real talk.:snoop:

You, @InvictusAeternusEternus, @Tuaminator, and @TheNig KNOW it's gotta be dumb as hell if I, of all people, aint engaging in a back and forth going page, after page, after page:wow:

Crazy thing is:
  1. He cant provide ANY receipts of Bruce Lee doing shyt to anyone except word of mouth info which we all know leans toward :duck:
  2. @Lewis Black posted the footage of Bruce Lee sloppily punching a heavy bag with 0 rhythm plus leaving himself wide open for counters from any professional boxer, let alone the most powerful & athletic Heavyweight of all-time in his prime:snoop:
  3. He's saying because Bruce Lee supposedly beat Chuck Norris in a SPARRING match, which ironically no one has footage of like usual when it comes to Bruce Lee's fighting acumen actually being tested:rudy: , that means he can beat Mike Tyson....like sparring actually matters or Chuck Norris was ever Mike Tyson.:camby:

Just a whole buncha retarded shyt:deadmanny:

Paul Spadafora beat Floyd Mayweather Jr while sparring....Paul Spadafora is TBE:wow:

If anything, an MMA fan saying something like Prime Royce Gracie would defeat Prime Mike Tyson would be more realistic/worthy of debate, because at least we've seen what Royce Gracie at/near his best looked like in real competition against all styles.

This nikka going off of movies, word of mouth, and other Japanese folklore-ducktales to tell us what Bruce WOULD do.....even though HE aint ever seen any footage of Bruce Lee doing shyt to anyone in a real fight/match either:dead:
Don't try to spin what I'm sayin I brought up his success in boxin to show he could hang in the ring, I stated multiple times Bruce would win cause he knew 20 different styles while Mike only knew 1. This is just common sense that a person more skilled would win, yall dikkridin Tyson out of emotion cause yall fans if this were any random fighters you'd say the guy trained in 20 disciplines would easily beat the guy trained in just 1.

Funny you throwin shade at Bruce bein a undefeated champion in high school winnin all his fights by knockout except 1 when yall would be the first ones to hype up amateur boxers that had a undefeated record much less almost all by knockout, he was at the level of any Golden Gloves boxer he wasn't just some local high school boxer goin up against newbies the way you tryna word it.

1. I don't need to do your homework for you everyone knows how accomplished the Dragon was watch any documentary to see video of him sparrin.

2. That video was Bruce as a grown man doin some light trainin punchin a heavy bag yall got giddy tryna say that was the extent of his skill in boxin, obviously if he was able to knockout nearly everyone he faced in high school while bein undefeated he was able to keep his guard up and bob and weave. Meanwhile not one of you can post a video of Mike Tyson trainin in martial arts tho even if he looked:flabbynsick:in it cause he had zero trainin in how to fight outside of boxin.

3. Chuck Norris HIMSELF said that dumbass you think he lyin about gettin that work in a sparrin match? On those same documentaries martial arts CHAMPIONS (since yall don't respect anyone that didn't fight in tournaments) from his era talked about sparrin wit him and how he was able to at least hang wit them if not beat them at their own styles, Chuck Norris was better than Mike Tyson cause he fought in martial arts and like it or not bein skilled at usin your hands and feet in a fight >>> only knowin how to use just your fists. Yall desperately tryna deny the overwhelmin evidence backin up what I'm sayin cause you don't like the results, on some "SHOW ME VIDEO FOOTAGE OF HIM BEATIN 7 WORLD CHAMPIONS OR ELSE HE'S A FRAUD!" shyt.

:mjlol:Gracie says Bruce Lee was the GOAT too just like damn near every MMA dude says, "retarded shyt" is you thinkin everyone is solely goin off of movies these are students of the arts they know more than me or you about the history and legacy of the Dragon so their word >>>>> ignant nikkas like you who don't know shyt about Bruce Lee and are in here sayin stupid disrespectful shyt cause you in your feelins all on Tyson's dikk tryna cape for him.

Again you tryna downplay the legend of Bruce Lee by pretendin its just "folklore" as if this was centuries ago before video existed and everyone who spoke on it never met him, dudes that were some of the greatest fighters of his time have attested to what he was capable of cause THEY saw it up close and even fought against him while trainin if you actually did your research you'd know these are proven facts and not hearsay.

I've seen footage of Bruce in trainin/sparrin just like most people have so I saw wit my own eyes how skilled he was, even if I was just goin off movies he'd still be one of the best cause even those movies show his level of talent he did all his own fight scenes and that was before CGI the fact he was so quick they had to slow down the fight scenes when editin it so you would be able to see the moves he did speaks to his greatness.

Ive been operating under the assumption dude is mentally handicapped :heh:

At least i hope he is because if not he's the stupidest, most naive, gullible, fanboy moron I ever seen or even heard about in my life. Which would
really be saying something with some of the idiots who post on this site.
You know what they say about ASSumptions but you don't even believe none of that shyt, you just tryna convince yourself I'm the one who's mentally handicapped:usure:to make yourself feel better about gettin ethered in here when judgin from your delusional posts you the one that seems autistic. You been mad as fukk since you first posted in this thread cause you can't handle the facts of what I'm sayin, the "stupidest most naive gullible fanboy moron" is your dumbass Mr. "I'm a blackbelt in 4 styles of martial arts so I know Tyson would win cause he's brolic":michaeljordanlaugh:


Exactly. I wouldnt be surprised if this dude comes back talking bout: "The Dragon fought and defeated 15 Shaolin Monks all at the same time THEN faced off with 5 Triad Members immediately after, while in between takes of Enter The Dragon, just to keep his adrenaline pumping for his fight scenes. fukk is a Tyson gonna do?:birdman:"


All we want is some receipts and instead this dude coming back with more and more Paul Bunyan & Babe The Blue Ox Tall Tales for us:heh:

How he going so hard for someone there is 0 footage of actually competing, and the footage we DO have is either a movie, drills, or very shaky heavybag work which one can safely go :patrice: over.

Royce Gracie would be a better argument...Bruce Bunyan stans better get outta here with this "he'd beat Tyson because I heard he beat up a local Japanese high school boxer who's name has never been revealed" shyt:camby:
:umad:You must be REALLY in your feelins to be slappin hands wit that retard like a 2 bit sissy, again the only ones in here wit the hyperbole tellin over the top Bruce Lee stories are yall Tyson stans tryna pretend anyone pickin Bruce Lee is believin mystical ducktales about him when we just pointin out his REALISTIC skill and facts that are widely known (he could fight in 20 different disciplines) is why he would win.

I'm not even overhypin Bruce or downtalkin Tyson the way yall are sayin he a fraud and all that nonsense, I been statin things that most say on a regular basis about these two while yall up in here flexin in your capes for Tyson. Like I said nikkas includin you are sayin way more outlandish shyt in here not just gassin up Tyson but flat out shyttin on the GOAT martial artist's legacy, as emotional as you are havin a heart attack cause I ain't slobbin Tyson you would really be irate if I was shyttin on his legacy callin him a fraud the way you doin the Dragon but unlike yall I'm objective.

I came back wit factual information that all Bruce Lee/MMA fans know and anyone could find out wit a quick search, we have tons of footage of him from documentaries and shyt just cause he didn't compete in tournaments don't mean they didn't have video of him fightin. It seems like you're completely ignorant on Bruce Lee cause you prolly a kid and all your information about him seems to be from this thread which is why you hypin up that one video someone posted of him hittin a heavybag like that's all that exists, obviously you have no objectivity on this subject cause you know nothin about Bruce Lee and still believe Tyson was this wreckin machine that could beat anyone based on knockouts from the 80s against guys who's names are even less known than Bruce Lee's high school boxin champion so you shoulda been removed yourself from this discussion.

If anythin yall would have a better argument wit the true GOAT boxer Ali Gracie would be a weaker argument cause he himself acknowledges the Dragon bein the GOAT and wasn't nearly as trained as Bruce was, you really don't get how crazy it is that one man was highly skilled in 20 separate disciplines includin one he created himself which combined the other styles. I know its difficult for young kids like you to grasp which is why yall are skeptical and think every Bruce Lee story is ducktales which just shows that he would win cause there hasn't been anyone since wit as many accomplishments to the point younger ignorant people think there's no way any of the things he did are true, but its on record verified by credible sources like other martial arts champions who knew and fought against him that this was fact.

basically you are dealing with facts!!!

bruce lee was educational in the art.
Nah he's dealin wit limited information cause there's videos on Youtube of Bruce trainin/sparrin and interviews wit his competitors talkin about it, Bruce spent his whole life learnin new styles and testin them either in practice or when fools like the ignant nikkas in this thread would challenge him on the streets and he'd have to drop them.

:mjcry: bu bu bu but Bruce Lee can bench press a school bus, punch holes through steel reinforced concrete and run the Boston Marathon in 45 minutes with Yoda strapped on his back
Yall the only ones sayin this off the wall shyt in a desperate attempt to convince people who ain't payin attention that anyone sayin Bruce Lee would win is claimin this crazy shyt, forget cryin to me just hit a Bruce Lee vs Mike Tyson Google search to see all the people who agree Bruce would win and even the ones that have Tyson realize it's not absurd to think the Dragon would fukk him up.

bruce was 5'7 128 lbs bro tysoson was a 5'11 200 pound killing machine breh and u say he 160 da fukk he aint no one 160 i seen cut up nikkas that are 160 les legs and arems are to thin bro so wheres the weight at then
:pachaha:Like I said before yall so insecure in your pick of Tyson that you keep tryna shrink Bruce Lee to give Tyson a better chance, now he's 128 all the sudden while Tyson grew to 5'11.:russ: The truth is he was 160 and you didn't even do Tyson's weight justice he was 240.

omg yall are actually entertaining this bruce lee shyt
If anythin I'm entertainin this Tyson shyt, Bruce is widely known as the GOAT not just in MMA but fightin in general while Tyson ain't even the GOAT boxer.:sas2:
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All Star
Jul 7, 2015
Bruce also practiced his kicks 10,000 times tho which is why he said that in the first place, dude stayed trainin goin from discipline to discipline as a novice fightin teachers that were highly trained in the style and would more than hold his own.
it's not about the kicks but the arts he practiced,being a jack of all trade but a master of none is not as good as being a master at a single discipline, which Tyson was.

How can you be as masterful at what you created as someone who is a master of a fighting style which has thousands of years of legacy and refinement.

Stack Money

All Star
Apr 2, 2013
Los Angeles
it's not about the kicks but the arts he practiced,being a jack of all trade but a master of none is not as good as being a master at a single discipline, which Tyson was.

How can you be as masterful at what you created as someone who is a master of a fighting style which has thousands of years of legacy and refinement.
:ufdup:He was a master of multiple disciplines tho namely Jeet Kune Do which he created combinin those other arts he studied, you under the misconception that he only knew a little bit of those other styles when by all accounts he was able to best the masters of many of those arts who had been studyin them they whole lives..

:francis:That can't be a real question, he CREATED it so obviously he's the most masterful at that style since it all came frome him and Tyson wasn't even the best from his era at his fightin style shown by his losses to boxers that aren't even in the discussion of greatest boxer ever.


All Star
Jul 7, 2015
That can't be a real question, he CREATED it so obviously he's the most masterful at that style since it all came frome him and Tyson wasn't even the best from his era at his fightin style shown by his losses to boxers that aren't even in the discussion of greatest boxer ever.
was the first car ever made the most advanced and perfected ?


"The Truth" always prevails
May 10, 2012
Don't try to spin what I'm sayin I brought up his success in boxin to show he could hang in the ring

And you sound stupid:camby:

He had 0 success in Boxing to be able to deal with a prime Top 15 Heavyweight to ever grace this earth:ufdup:

Funny you throwin shade at Bruce bein a undefeated champion in high school winnin all his fights by knockout except 1 when yall would be the first ones to hype up amateur boxers that had a undefeated record much less almost all by knockout, he was at the level of any Golden Gloves boxer he wasn't just some local high school boxer goin up against newbies the way you tryna word it.

Once again, you dont know what you're talking about. Where, in the HISTORY of Boxing or even thecoli.com, have you ever seen someone say because someone is a good amateur that he could beat one the best Boxers to ever live?:stopitslime:

You're comparing Bruce Lee beating a Japanese High School Boxer to show that he could "hang" with Prime Mike Tyson...get all the way outta here breh:camby:

Also, you dont even know the NAME of this Japanese high schooler anyways, so for you to just say "he was at the level of any Golden Gloves boxer" is stupid, because you have 0 proof AND you've never seen the level of competition he was facing or seen HIM fight either. You're just running your mouth, again, with no receipts to back up anything:camby:

1. I don't need to do your homework for you everyone knows how accomplished the Dragon was watch any documentary to see video of him sparrin.

Again, you've NEVER seen Bruce Lee in a fight, but you're riding his dikk so much to say what he COULD do.....but you've never seen him do shyt to compare him to anyone outside of MMA dummy.

2. That video was Bruce as a grown man doin some light trainin punchin a heavy bag yall got giddy tryna say that was the extent of his skill in boxin, obviously if he was able to knockout nearly everyone he faced in high school while bein undefeated he was able to keep his guard up and bob and weave.

You're dumb. You think "keep his guard up and bob and weave" is all there is to boxing my nikka? You sound like a fool:camby:

Chuck Norris was better than Mike Tyson cause he fought in martial arts and like it or not bein skilled at usin your hands and feet in a fight >>> only knowin how to use just your fists.

You are a clown. Chuck Norris lost PLENTY OF KARATE MATCHES in his career to people, but you in here acting like "ohh, since Bruce Lee beat Chuck Norris while sparring...he must be a GAWD!!!":whoo:

Shut up already:rudy:

Again you tryna downplay the legend of Bruce Lee by pretendin its just "folklore" as if this was centuries ago before video existed and everyone who spoke on it never met him, dudes that were some of the greatest fighters of his time have attested to what he was capable of cause THEY saw it up close and even fought against him while trainin if you actually did your research you'd know these are proven facts and not hearsay.

There is 0 footage that exists of Bruce Lee actually fighting anyone. As far as what people have said? He couldnt beat Wong Jack Man:ufdup:

I've seen footage of Bruce in trainin/sparrin just like most people have so I saw wit my own eyes how skilled he was,

You've never seen him put any of those skills to the test, but yet you're championing his prowess like a groupie:pacspit::scusthov:

You know how many great "in the gym" Boxers there are? How many great shadow Boxers there are? What matters is how you actually USE those talents against something that's fighting back....not the air or a training/sparring partner fool.

even if I was just goin off movies he'd still be one of the best cause even those movies show his level of talent he did all his own fight scenes and that was before CGI the fact he was so quick they had to slow down the fight scenes when editin it so you would be able to see the moves he did speaks to his greatness.


we have tons of footage of him from documentaries and shyt just cause he didn't compete in tournaments don't mean they didn't have video of him fightin.


It seems like you're completely ignorant on Bruce Lee cause you prolly a kid and all your information about him seems to be from this thread which is why you hypin up that one video someone posted of him hittin a heavybag like that's all that exists,

Where are the receipts of Bruce Lee fighting anyone....exactly:camby:

believe Tyson was this wreckin machine that could beat anyone based on knockouts from the 80s against guys who's names are even less known than Bruce Lee's high school boxin champion so you shoulda been removed yourself from this discussion.

#WPOY2015 :wow:

You cant even TELL me anything about this Japanese High School Boxing Champion that Bruce Lee defeated, but then you wanna go and disparage the names of the former World Heavyweight Champions that Tyson beat for real (no myths/legends/tall tales needed) Alfonzo Ratliff, Trevor Berbick, Pinklon Thomas, Bonecrusher Smith, Tony Tucker, Larry Holmes, Michael Spinks, and Frank Bruno.:stopitslime:

fukk outta here with this bullshyt:camby:

If anythin I'm entertainin this Tyson shyt, Bruce is widely known as the GOAT not just in MMA but fightin in general while Tyson ain't even the GOAT boxer.:sas2:

nikka, we all know Tyson aint the GOAT Heavyweight...you're talking to a boxing head:camby:

That doesnt change the fact that late 80s Tyson would've mauled the fukk out of little as Bruce Lee. There's a reason why 160 lb opponents arent allowed to fight 225lb+ opponents in ANY combat sport...especially one as fast, strong, and as accurate of a puncher Mike Tyson was.
:ufdup:He was a master of multiple disciplines tho namely Jeet Kune Do which he created combinin those other arts he studied, you under the misconception that he only knew a little bit of those other styles when by all accounts he was able to best the masters of many of those arts who had been studyin them they whole lives..

He lost to Wong Jack Man:camby:

:francis:That can't be a real question, he CREATED it so obviously he's the most masterful at that style since it all came frome him and Tyson wasn't even the best from his era at his fightin style shown by his losses to boxers that aren't even in the discussion of greatest boxer ever.

This sounds stupid....but after all the stupid shyt you posted, I expect it from you.

You dont know shyt about Boxing at all:pacspit:

Lewis Black

May 10, 2012
Why even argue with stack money. I love Bruce lee, he was a great thinke/philosopher but is he
beating a world champion heavyweight boxer, no lol.

Actually let me reword that, Bruce lee is not beating any pro world class fighters.

Edit: Bruce lee was 5'6/5'7 and he weighed in at 135

Stack Money

All Star
Apr 2, 2013
Los Angeles
was the first car ever made the most advanced and perfected ?
You can't even name another "model" you nikkas thought Jeet Kune Do wasn't even taught anymore.:snoop: The fact that others in the sport say he's the most advanced and perfected proves he the best, only ignant nikkas in here are sayin otherwise.

And you sound stupid:camby:

He had 0 success in Boxing to be able to deal with a prime Top 15 Heavyweight to ever grace this earth:ufdup:
:sas1:Thought you weren't gonna go back and forth:sas2:YOU sound stupid thinkin he gonna deal wit Mike usin solely his boxin skills, he would come at Mike wit all 20 of the styles he mastered the fact you think a nikka that only knows boxin can just walk up to the most skilled martial artist in history and beat him in seconds just further shows how dumb you really are.:umad:

Once again, you dont know what you're talking about. Where, in the HISTORY of Boxing or even thecoli.com, have you ever seen someone say because someone is a good amateur that he could beat one the best Boxers to ever live?:stopitslime:

You're comparing Bruce Lee beating a Japanese High School Boxer to show that he could "hang" with Prime Mike Tyson...get all the way outta here breh:camby:

Also, you dont even know the NAME of this Japanese high schooler anyways, so for you to just say "he was at the level of any Golden Gloves boxer" is stupid, because you have 0 proof AND you've never seen the level of competition he was facing or seen HIM fight either. You're just running your mouth, again, with no receipts to back up anything:camby:
I've seen boxin stans like you give credit to accomplished amateurs all the time yet are downtalkin Bruce's accomplishments cause they don't fit your narrative, you comparin Mike Tyson only ever fightin boxin and knowin even less than you do about martial arts to show that he can beat the hands down accepted GOAT martial artist in mere seconds as if the Dragon is Danny Williams is retarded.

Statin a fact is never stupid, if you factually know someone was a champion at somethin you don't have to track down the name of his inferior opponents in order to state the truth, I've seen Chuck Norris and know he's a champion martial artist and one of the all time greats so the fact that he himself says Lee was on his level is all I need. You just movin the goalposts cause you don't want to accept the facts.:camby:

Again, you've NEVER seen Bruce Lee in a fight, but you're riding his dikk so much to say what he COULD do.....but you've never seen him do shyt to compare him to anyone outside of MMA dummy.
Just cause YOU'VE never seen Bruce Lee in a fight doesn't mean I haven't, quit projectin your own ignorance onto me nikka. I've seen what he's capable of just like anyone who's ever watched a documentary on him, plus I've heard known martial arts/mma champions say what he could do which is as good as seein it yourself cause they got credibility unlike a biased Tyson dikkslurpper like yourself. If he can do it against mma fighters he definitely can do it against fighters that only know 1 discipline like your boy Tyson.:umad:

You're dumb. You think "keep his guard up and bob and weave" is all there is to boxing my nikka? You sound like a fool:camby:
You're a dummy for not realizin I was answerin a question one of you idiots brought up (I think you were the one that said it:mjlol:) about Bruce not bein able to keep his guard up and bob and weave, you sound like a fool throwin a hissy fit over me not co-signin your ignorant uninformed opinion.:umad:

You are a clown. Chuck Norris lost PLENTY OF KARATE MATCHES in his career to people, but you in here acting like "ohh, since Bruce Lee beat Chuck Norris while sparring...he must be a GAWD!!!":whoo:

Shut up already:rudy:
I never said he didn't lose but we all know he was a champion and one of the greatest ever and since you keep hangin onto the idea that Bruce never was a champion and didn't beat anyone of substance I keep bringin it up to show you're wrong, you originally claimed it was a lie that he beat Norris but after I pointed out that Norris himself said it you got butthurt cause you can't refute that fact so now you downtalkin Norris' legacy in a pathetic attempt to make it look like its no big deal that Bruce was able to beat him at his own style wit relatively little trainin at it. Beggin for me to "shut up already:mjcry:" like a whiny little bytch ain't gonna work, Ima keep hittin you wit these facts the way Bruce would keep hittin Tyson wit kicks to the face.:umad:

There is 0 footage that exists of Bruce Lee actually fighting anyone. As far as what people have said? He couldnt beat Wong Jack Man:ufdup:
Documentaries and Youtube videos prove otherwise, again just cause YOU ain't seen it don't mean it didn't exist. Like I said before you could easily find it in a search but you'd prefer to stay ignorant to the truth cause you don't want to shatter your fantasy about Mike bein able to beat him, thats why you so irate at me for pointin it out to you and you takin all your aggression at the millions of people sayin the same thing out on me cause until I posted in here you were blissfully ignorant to all those people. :michaeljordanlaugh:@ you thinkin Wong Jack Man won that fight when by all accounts he lost, you really know nothin about Bruce at all.

You've never seen him put any of those skills to the test, but yet you're championing his prowess like a groupie:pacspit::scusthov:

You know how many great "in the gym" Boxers there are? How many great shadow Boxers there are? What matters is how you actually USE those talents against something that's fighting back....not the air or a training/sparring partner fool.
I have seen him fight in video, you've seen Tyson take some of the most embarrassin Ls in history yet you dikkridin HIM like a groupie. Bruce used those skills all the time either on random people in the streets (showin he's a great street fighter which is ultimately what this discussion is about) or on teachers/champions at their disciplines in trainin/sparrin, maybe Tyson sparred differently but Bruce was known to have knockdown dragout fights wit his trainin partners so they indeed were real fights and the fact that he could learn a style so quickly and be able to beat a master of that style who trained their whole lives in it further speaks to his greatness.:blessed:


I guess you think if you keep sayin it and typin it in all caps maybe one day it'll be true.:umad:

Where are the receipts of Bruce Lee fighting anyone....exactly:camby:
From the champion fighters and masters of the disciplines who fought him themselves, they not gonna lie and tell people that they took an ass whoppin from a guy that you and other idiots in here call a fraud.:francis: Why don't you stop screamin at me and hit a Youtube search for some videos, I'm guessin this is your way of askin me to do your homework for you but that ain't gonna happen if you wanna educate yourself you need to put in your own work playa.

#WPOY2015 :wow:

You cant even TELL me anything about this Japanese High School Boxing Champion that Bruce Lee defeated, but then you wanna go and disparage the names of the former World Heavyweight Champions that Tyson beat for real (no myths/legends/tall tales needed) Alfonzo Ratliff, Trevor Berbick, Pinklon Thomas, Bonecrusher Smith, Tony Tucker, Larry Holmes, Michael Spinks, and Frank Bruno.:stopitslime:

fukk outta here with this bullshyt:camby:
#MPOY2015 Maddest Poster Of the Year 2015

The only names bein disparaged in here are Bruce Lee and now Chuck Norris, I haven't been tellin lies about Tyson the way yall are wit the Dragon downplayin his legacy (If I were yall would be throwin even bigger temper tantrums than you are now:scusthov:). None of those guys you just named were all time greats except for Larry Holmes but he was:flabbynsick:when Tyson fought him which is why cryin about Bruce supposedly not beatin anyone is silly since beatin Chuck Norris is a bigger feather in your cap than beatin guys like Pinklon Thomas.:pachaha:

nikka, we all know Tyson aint the GOAT Heavyweight...you're talking to a boxing head:camby:

That doesnt change the fact that late 80s Tyson would've mauled the fukk out of little as Bruce Lee. There's a reason why 160 lb opponents arent allowed to fight 225lb+ opponents in ANY combat sport...especially one as fast, strong, and as accurate of a puncher Mike Tyson was.
You bein a boxin head is why you have no objectivity cause this is bigger than Tyson vs Lee for yall this is boxin vs MMA, Bruce Lee bein as proficient in so many different forms of martial arts is why its laughable that Tyson would win against him when Bruce was just as fast if not faster its arguable if Tyson would even be able to hit him at all (bringin up their size difference just shows you think bigger always = better when Bruce proved thats bullshyt). Bruce could do as much damage wit his feet as Tyson could wit his hands while Tyson didn't even know how to use his feet, and Bruce knowin all the numerous ways to incapacitate/kill an opponent is why nothin you say changes the fact that the Dragon would've murdered Tyson.:umad:

He lost to Wong Jack Man:camby:
Tyson lost to Kevin McBride:wow:but Bruce BEAT Wong Jack Man, you not even knowin that fact just further shows how ignorant you are on everythin Bruce Lee.:camby:

This sounds stupid....but after all the stupid shyt you posted, I expect it from you.

You dont know shyt about Boxing at all:pacspit:
Ironic comin from the fukkin idiot dumb enough to have the audacity to say Bruce Lee was a fraud who never beat anyone, you don't know shyt about Bruce Lee at all much less MMA.:pacspit:

Oh and


Why even argue with stack money. I love Bruce lee, he was a great thinke/philosopher but is he
beating a world champion heavyweight boxer, no lol.

Actually let me reword that, Bruce lee is not beating any pro world class fighters.

Edit: Bruce lee was 5'6/5'7 and he weighed in at 135
:ufdup:Why even argue wit a nikka that has Mike Tyson as his avatar, obviously you gonna be the most biased nikka out there. Bruce beat pro world class champion martial artists so clearly he can beat pro world class boxers, and for the last time Bruce was 5'7 160.
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Lewis Black

May 10, 2012
Just cause YOU'VE never seen Bruce Lee in a fight doesn't mean I haven't

So now you're claiming to have actually seen Bruce lee fight :dame:

1. Bruce lee went up to 165 but felt he was very slow so he moved back down to his normal weight of 135-145lbs

2. Pinklin Thomas , Bruno, berbick etc would all beat Bruce lee

3. This guy is not beating Mike tyson or any other pro boxer in a fight.

4. Keep it short and sweet like I have mine.


"The Truth" always prevails
May 10, 2012
So now you're claiming to have actually seen Bruce lee fight :dame:
Is this @StackMoney cat claiming to have seen Bruce Lee in a real deal fight? Who knew there were 60-70 year old Hong Kong natives on thecoli?


I cant even take him serious and that quote he made sealed it:heh:

This nikka claimin he seen Bruce Lee actually compete in a real fight:dead:
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