15 Year Old Mike Tyson Shadow Boxing

Stack Money

All Star
Apr 2, 2013
Los Angeles
"You're all angry boxing fans :mjcry:"

But even mma fans know bruce would get killed

Bruce Lee vs Mike Tyson in the UFC...seriously - Sherdog Mixed Martial Arts Forums

So even sherdog are angry boxing fans too.

But im just gonna stop on that note. Its clear you're mentally slow.

Edit: Brock might beat tyson. He has a record, unlike some people.
:mjlol:@ you tryna outsource help to back up your opinions, one thread wit some people sayin Tyson would win doesn't cancel out the tons of other people in threads/blogs all over the internet that say Bruce would win.:umad: I'm sayin YOU are an angry Tyson fan and some of these other nikkas are obviously boxin stans who don't know shyt about Bruce. :francis:@ callin someone mentally slow just cause they disagree wit you and you can't refute the things they sayin, judgin from how that seems to be the go to response from you Tyson/boxin stans in here it makes yall look mentally slow. :michaeljordanlaugh:@ Brock "might" beat Tyson, he'd kill him and Bruce has a record too you just don't want to accept it cause you don't like the results.

the car metaphor was refering to jeet kun do, not bruce lee.
Jeet Kune Do wasn't the first martial art form ever made so that analogy makes no sense, sounds like you just tryna change what you were really sayin originally.:jbhmm:

So, on Sherdog....the #1 MMA website...they saying Mike Tyson would kill Bruce Lee, but yet this clown @StackMoney in here arguing his heart making himself look foolish over & over again:wow:

@StackMoney just stack your L's and :camby: to the coliseum:snoop:
So one thread on that entire site where some people agree wit you means every MMA fan feels the same way:usure:I haven't even looked at that thread cause I've seen a bunch of threads on that site and others where a ton of people say Bruce would win so pickin and choosin which people to co-sign and which to ignore is just a desperate tactic that clowns like yall are usin to help your weak argument out.:stopitslime:

You been flailin your arms and cryin this whole thread cause you can't deal wit the fact that you took an L in this little exchange, now you gettin giddy cause a few random people in a old thread from another site agree wit you as if they all are MMA experts themselves just cause they post on an MMA forum. Like I said before the greatest MMA fighters ever say the same shyt I said about Lee, that alone is more tellin than any thread either of us could find.:camby:

Dude had the balls to say elite world class boxers like bruno, thomas, douglas were nobodies lol His talking like them "bums" tyson faced wouldn't easily rearrange 99% of the males populations face if they wanted too :mjlol:.

Lay off the weed, lay off the mortal kombat/street fighter, and start taking your meds boy! :ufdup:
We talkin bout all time greats here not the average male, those dudes are nowhere near the discussion of all time greats in their own sport much less combat sports as a whole so get over it and stop bytchin cause me tellin you that hurt your little feelins.:bishopeddielongcryingif:Dry your tears and stop throwin your pathetic temper tantrums in here kid.

Im scrolling through that thread and somebody made a post back in 2009, that holds true today for @StackMoney :wow:

Talk about "Back II The Future":banderas:
:scusthov:Look at you jumpin up and down cause one person you don't even know said the same shyt you said in here, he prolly is as butthurt and delusional as you are. Again you pickin and choosin posts in that thread but I'm sure there were many others that said the same things I said which is why it seems like that post came from an argument he was havin wit people in there, but keep tellin yourself that a few random posts online means you're right while ignorin all the other posts that disagree wit what you said.:sas1:

Another post where all I can do is :mjpls:

Yeah I took a very quick scan of a few posts in that thread which was 14 pages and the argument was basically the same as the one we're havin right now, some agree wit me and others agree wit you. But you wanna pretend they all agree wit you to make it look like you "won" in here, pathetic.:sas2:
@Lewis Black...man, you should've posted this earlier breh:heh:

@StackMoney :sas1:

:pachaha:@ sayin he shoulda posted it earlier as if it helps your argument, if I was desperate like yall I could go thru that thread and highlight every post that says the exact shyt that I been sayin or search that forum for other threads past and present to find posts that fit my narrative. You can even Google Bruce vs Tyson and find convos everywhere from Yahoo Answers to MMA/Boxin/Bodybuildin forums, doesn't mean shyt cause there's a ton that agree wit me and others that agree wit you which is why I never bothered to link those comments in this thread cause not only are the opinions of highly accomplished MMA fighters better than average joes but if I hit you wit all those people sayin what I said yall woulda been throwin even bigger hissy fits at me.:whoa:

So it Is believed..in a face to face encounter, Mike Tyson would knock out Bruce Lee in record time? Is that the gist this time around?
Boxin heads and Tyson stans were downtalkin the Dragon in here sayin he was a fraud and couldn't fight while pretendin anyone that said Bruce would win was goin off of his movies where he kicks his opponents and they fly across the room or believes he had mythical powers, I just came in to set the record straight that no one on Lee's side is sayin all that but the brotha was trained in 20 disciplines includin one he created that combined all the others which is why many includin me think he would win and they been bytchin at me about it ever since.:snoop:

mr. smoke weed

Smoke Album Done......Wait n See #SmokeSquad
Resting in Peace
May 1, 2012
lol at this shyt going ham for 4 pages, especially after that video of Bruce Lee hitting the heavy bag :dahell: dude didn't even turn his punches over


All Star
Jul 7, 2015
Jeet Kune Do wasn't the first martial art form ever made so that analogy makes no sense, sounds like you just tryna change what you were really sayin originally.:jbhmm:
it sounds to me like I have a valid point and you don't have an answer to it or don't understand it :jbhmm:


From a boy to a king
Jun 9, 2015
Why even argue with stack money. I love Bruce lee, he was a great thinke/philosopher but is he
beating a world champion heavyweight boxer, no lol.

Actually let me reword that, Bruce lee is not beating any pro world class fighters.

Edit: Bruce lee was 5'6/5'7 and he weighed in at 135
he was really 127 pounds bro him beating roy shyt even young floyd age 17 would give him that work :mjlol:

Stack Money

All Star
Apr 2, 2013
Los Angeles
lol at this shyt going ham for 4 pages, especially after that video of Bruce Lee hitting the heavy bag :dahell: dude didn't even turn his punches over
We don't even know what he was trainin for in that video, it coulda been about balance or strikin the same area or simply light trainin. This isn't about a boxin match anyway, yall cats is hangin onto that video like it has any barin on a street fight.

Look at all these words lol!
:yeshrug:I'm always thorough wit my responses.

it sounds to me like I have a valid point and you don't have an answer to it or don't understand it :jbhmm:
:comeon:Your point didn't even make sense like I highlighted cause Jeet Kune Do wasn't created before those other styles, sounds like you don't understand how that analogy doesn't work and obviously you were referrin to Bruce but tried to flip it after my initial response.:francis:


Feb 5, 2015
omg yall are actually entertaining this bruce lee shyt
Breh i know and im :snoop: that i even bothered to reply to him in the first place.

The guy is a fukking idiot or a:troll: he keeps replying with shyt as if he were bruce's closest pupil on some mr miyagi/ daniel type shyt and his posts which are pretty much fukking essays are just :trash::trash::trash:

Breh stop, we don't belive you, you need more people :scusthov::huhldup:

And to @StackMoney :scusthov::huhldup: you only
get one mention, fukk you fakkit :pacspit::camby:

Stack Money

All Star
Apr 2, 2013
Los Angeles
Breh i know and im :snoop: that i even bothered to reply to him in the first place.

The guy is a fukking idiot or a:troll: he keeps replying with shyt as if he were bruce's closest pupil on some daniel/ mr miyagi type shyt and his posts are just :trash::trash::trash:

Breh stop, we don't belive you, you need more people :scusthov::huhldup:

And to @StackMoney :scusthov::huhldup: you only
get one mention, fukk you fakkit :pacspit::camby:
Yet here you are replyin again just like that nikka wit the Tyson avi who said it's stupid to argue wit me then became the main one arguin wit me or Newzz sayin he wasn't gonna go back and forth then went back and forth for an entire page:mjlol: you're a fukkin idiot for actin like I'm sayin somethin that millions haven't said before includin people who ACTUALLY knew Bruce Lee and trained wit him so obviously I have more people way more than yall have.:umad: I'm just givin yall facts in my posts yall the ones wit garbage responses catchin feelins cause the truth hurts you, quit taggin me and go kill yourself you emotional fakkit.:camby:


From a boy to a king
Jun 9, 2015
Yet here you are replyin again just like that nikka wit the Tyson avi who said it's stupid to argue wit me then became the main one arguin wit me or Newzz sayin he wasn't gonna go back and forth then went back and forth for an entire page:mjlol: you're a fukkin idiot for actin like I'm sayin somethin that millions haven't said before includin people who ACTUALLY knew Bruce Lee and trained wit him so obviously I have more people way more than yall have.:umad: I'm just givin yall facts in my posts yall the ones wit garbage responses catchin feelins cause the truth hurts you, quit taggin me and go kill yourself you emotional fakkit.:camby:
jkd sucks nikka fukk otta here with that shyt when iron mike come for your ass with the paws nikka bruce lee cant save you


All Star
Jul 7, 2015
:comeon:Your point didn't even make sense like I highlighted cause Jeet Kune Do wasn't created before those other styles, sounds like you don't understand how that analogy doesn't work and obviously you were referrin to Bruce but tried to flip it after my initial response.:francis:
ok lemme just stop answerin your dumbass remarks because obviously you don't understand anything Im saying :russ:

Stack Money

All Star
Apr 2, 2013
Los Angeles
ok lemme just stop answerin your dumbass remarks because obviously you don't understand anything Im saying :russ:
YOU don't even understand anythin you're sayin:mjlol:you made an analogy about Bruce then once I shot down that argument you tried to say it was about JKD when that analogy doesn't even fit JKD. Only dumbass is you nikka.:camby:


May 1, 2012
YOU don't even understand anythin you're sayin:mjlol:you made an analogy about Bruce then once I shot down that argument you tried to say it was about JKD when that analogy doesn't even fit JKD. Only dumbass is you nikka.:camby:
Ronda Rousey would beat bruce lee :troll:


From a boy to a king
Jun 9, 2015
:umad:A nikka that knows JKD would literally kill your punkass wit his bare hands:pachaha:stop quotin me retard.
jdk pratier would not beat me breh I'm too strong too black word to P.E and flav :blessed:but nah son that style won't work on my im a outside orthodox boxer my jab is to strong and fierce plus dont get me started on footwork i used to be a defensive end/linebacker bro in in real life size does matter bro it just how u use it and or u black cause u a real c00n bro plus nobody cares if jim Kell R.I.P or that lier chuck norris has to same cause he to would get the work with ali know why he gonna hit him one to he goin be hurt the ali gonna fire on him same with tyson and lee just gonna be more vicious plus tyson is a small heavyweight bro 220 aint shyt in the nfl or heavyweight boxing u must be a skinnd dude that self conscious about his body so u idolize Bruce lee cause he a very thin man but you that achievement away from the black man why u all the best in history bare none the reasin we dont miss with karate like that is cause u aint making no mobey bro u know that oh if u is black i feel bad for you as a man to worship a fraud dame this gonna make u jump like rod Strickland ETHER:scust::dame::smugfavre::smugfavre::pachaha: