15 Christians killed in their sleep by suspected Nigerian Islamists

Mr. Somebody

Friend Of A Friend
May 10, 2012
Los Angeles
how convenient

What do you mean? You cant be a real muslim and kill christians when the book states clearly that killing is wrong unless its for jihad and that many christians will go to heaven. So, really when you look at it like that, friend, theres nothing actually convenient about it.

Im sorry you cant push your demonic agenda against God.

The Real

May 8, 2012
What do you mean? You cant be a real muslim and kill christians when the book states clearly that killing is wrong unless its for jihad and that many christians will go to heaven. So, really when you look at it like that, friend, theres nothing actually convenient about it.

Im sorry you cant push your demonic agenda against God.

The book contradicts on that point. There are verses which say non-Muslims can go to paradise, but there are others that say no non-Muslim can go to paradise and that Christians and Jews are thus hellbound.

Mr. Somebody

Friend Of A Friend
May 10, 2012
Los Angeles
The book contradicts on that point. There are verses which say non-Muslims can go to paradise, but there are others that say no non-Muslim can go to paradise and that Christians and Jews are thus hellbound.

Heres how i see it friend. You are a demonic poster. Ok lets just get that part out of the way. Secondly, i noticed you have a habit of stretching the truth or creating your own assumptions based on texts to create demonic slants if you will. Where in that book does it say christians and jews go to hell? Or is that just something you implied based on a percieved contradiction, friend? :usure:

The Real

May 8, 2012
Heres how i see it friend. You are a demonic poster. Ok lets just get that part out of the way. Secondly, i noticed you have a habit of stretching the truth or creating your own assumptions based on texts to create demonic slants if you will. Where in that book does it say christians and jews go to hell? Or is that just something you implied based on a percieved contradiction, friend? :usure:

From http://www.quran.com

3:85- And whoever desires other than Islam as religion - never will it be accepted from him, and he, in the Hereafter, will be among the losers.

This verse clearly says anyone who identifies with something other than Islam will never receive the good afterlife.

5:72- They have certainly disbelieved who say, "Allah is the Messiah, the son of Mary" while the Messiah has said, "O Children of Israel, worship Allah , my Lord and your Lord." Indeed, he who associates others with Allah - Allah has forbidden him Paradise, and his refuge is the Fire. And there are not for the wrongdoers any helpers.

This verse clearly says that anyone who associates any others with God in any way, by claiming things like Jesus being God or the Son of God, among other things, is forbidden from paradise and headed to hell.

5:116- And [beware the Day] when Allah will say, "O Jesus, Son of Mary, did you say to the people, 'Take me and my mother as deities besides Allah?'" He will say, "Exalted are You! It was not for me to say that to which I have no right. If I had said it, You would have known it. You know what is within myself, and I do not know what is within Yourself. Indeed, it is You who is Knower of the unseen.

This verse claims that on judgment day, God will ask Jesus whether he told people to worship him or his mother Mary, or simply to worship God, and that Jesus will deny that he ever asked anyone to worship him or Mary or anyone else but God. In other words, all versions of Christianity that worship Jesus as God or the Son of God are false.

Basically, the only way to make these verses consistent with the verses that claim some Christians and Jews will go to Heaven is to interpret all of them together as saying that non-Muslims who fulfill all the criteria of being a Muslim can to go heaven as long as they don't believe anything non-Islamic. In other words, Christians and Jews who believe that there is one God who has no Son, that there is no Holy Spirit, that God never took human form, etc, can go to heaven, but those who believe otherwise will go to hell. Even that is an interpretive leap, though, as it's not clear in the text itself that they can be made consistent.

Mr. Somebody

Friend Of A Friend
May 10, 2012
Los Angeles
From The Noble Qur'an - ?????? ??????

3:85- And whoever desires other than Islam as religion - never will it be accepted from him, and he, in the Hereafter, will be among the losers.

This verse clearly says anyone who identifies with something other than Islam will never receive the good afterlife.

5:72- They have certainly disbelieved who say, "Allah is the Messiah, the son of Mary" while the Messiah has said, "O Children of Israel, worship Allah , my Lord and your Lord." Indeed, he who associates others with Allah - Allah has forbidden him Paradise, and his refuge is the Fire. And there are not for the wrongdoers any helpers.

This verse clearly says that anyone who associates any others with God in any way, by claiming things like Jesus being God or the Son of God, among other things, is forbidden from paradise and headed to hell.

5:116- And [beware the Day] when Allah will say, "O Jesus, Son of Mary, did you say to the people, 'Take me and my mother as deities besides Allah?'" He will say, "Exalted are You! It was not for me to say that to which I have no right. If I had said it, You would have known it. You know what is within myself, and I do not know what is within Yourself. Indeed, it is You who is Knower of the unseen.

This verse claims that God will ask Jesus whether he told people to worship him or his mother Mary, or simply to worship God, and that Jesus will deny that he ever asked anyone to worship him or Mary or anyone else but God. In other words, all versions of Christianity that worship Jesus as God or the Son of God are false.

Basically, the only way to make these verses consistent with the verses that claim some Christians and Jews will go to Heaven is to interpret all of them together as saying that non-Muslims who fulfill all the criteria of being a Muslim can to go heaven as long as they don't believe anything non-Islamic. In other words, Christians and Jews who believe that there is one God who has no Son, that there is no Holy Spirit, that God never took human form, etc, can go to heaven, but those who believe otherwise will go to hell. Even that is an interpretive leap, though, as it's not clear in the text itself that they can be made consistent.

I see like eyes. Ill be over there being friendly elsewhere ------------------>


Theological Noncognitivist Since Birth
Jul 25, 2012
The Wrong Side of the Tracks
The Real said:

Sorry, but no......

3:84 Say: "We believe in Allah, and in what has been revealed to us and what was revealed to Ibrahim, Isma'il, Ishaq, Ya'qub, and the Tribes, and in (the Books) given to Musa, 'Isa, and the Prophets, from their Lord: we make no distinction between one and another among them, and to Allah do we bow our will (in Islam)."

29:46: And dispute ye not with the People of the Book, except with means better (than mere disputation), unless it be with those of them who inflict wrong (and injury); but say, "We believe in the Revelation which has come down to us and in that which came down to you; our God and your God is One; and it is to Him we bow (in Islam)."

So, those Muslims who argue/inflict death on Christians/Jews (People of the Book) are not following the Qu'ran or Islam since, according to the Qu'ran, the 'G-d' they worship is the same 'G-d' of Abraham.

Some Muslim with more understanding feel free to clarify.


The Real

May 8, 2012
Sorry, but no......

3:84 Say: "We believe in Allah, and in what has been revealed to us and what was revealed to Ibrahim, Isma'il, Ishaq, Ya'qub, and the Tribes, and in (the Books) given to Musa, 'Isa, and the Prophets, from their Lord: we make no distinction between one and another among them, and to Allah do we bow our will (in Islam)."

29:46: And dispute ye not with the People of the Book, except with means better (than mere disputation), unless it be with those of them who inflict wrong (and injury); but say, "We believe in the Revelation which has come down to us and in that which came down to you; our God and your God is One; and it is to Him we bow (in Islam)."

So, those Muslims who argue/inflict death on Christians/Jews (People of the Book) are not following the Qu'ran or Islam since, according to the Qu'ran, the 'G-d' they worship is the same 'G-d' of Abraham.

Some Muslim with more understanding feel free to clarify.

None of these contradict the verses I provided when interpreted as I did in my hypothesis at the end, which is to say, when they are interpreted as saying that certain forms of Christianity and Judaism are compatible with Islam, but only those which do not hold that Jesus is God or the Son of God, or who associate any other beings with God like a Holy Spirit, and so on. Don't forget that no mainstream version of Islam accepts the Bible and Torah wholesale, and consider them edited and ultimately corrupted documents. To those Muslims, the Prophets were perfectly in line with Islam, as were the books they gave humanity, but those teachings were ultimately misunderstood, corrupted, etc, to produce the Torah and the Bible, which are not their original teachings. That is one way of squaring them.

When interpreted otherwise, as encouraging pure pluralism in which all Judaism and Christianity is valid (even those who believe that Jesus is God or the Son of God, which the Quran explicitly rejects, as I have shown,) your quotes absolutely contradict those verses I posted, since my verses unequivocally reject several versions of Christianity and Judaism, if not all of them.

This is exactly why there is no clear consensus about this issue among Muslim scholars of the Quran.


Theological Noncognitivist Since Birth
Jul 25, 2012
The Wrong Side of the Tracks
The Real said:
None of these contradict the verses I provided when interpreted as I did in my hypothesis at the end, which is to say, when they are interpreted as saying that certain forms of Christianity and Judaism are compatible with Islam, but only those which do not hold that Jesus is God or the Son of God, or who associate any other beings with God like a Holy Spirit, and so on.

Eisegesis is not applicable for interpretation of text.​

The Real

May 8, 2012
Eisegesis is not applicable for interpretation of text.​

If you're rejecting that particular reading, then the quotes you posted are left in actual contradiction to the ones I posted, since the only presupposition I'm adding into the text is that of logical consistency. In fact, my reading is the only one that brings consistency to all those passages, which is why many Muslims subscribe to it. Without it, you're left with my original point- the Quran contradicts itself on this matter.


Theological Noncognitivist Since Birth
Jul 25, 2012
The Wrong Side of the Tracks
The Real said:
If you're rejecting that particular reading, then the quotes you posted are left in actual contradiction to the ones I posted. My reading is the only one that brings consistency to all those passages, which is why many Muslims subscribe to it. Without it, you're left with my original point- the Quran contradicts itself on this matter.

I'm rejecting your reading due to eisegesis. No need to 'square' things. The vast majority of Muslims don't subscribe to it.​

The Real

May 8, 2012
I'm rejecting your reading due to eisegesis. No need to 'square' things. The vast majority of Muslims don't subscribe to it.​

So what interpretation do they subscribe to? How do they resolve the contradiction present in the text? There is no way to read this particular set of passages without what you dismiss as eisegesis. Like I said, consistency was the only assumption I made. Without that, inconsistency is the only other option for how to view the text.