I agree that Hangman winning at the 59:59 mark would've been a perfect finish but I think you are getting too ahead of yourself in that first paragraph. The crowd was going wild for Page to not tap at the 59 minute mark, when the hell has that happened on an obvious time limit draw? Not only that, they believed Page could win at the last second too. We'll see in the coming weeks if this draw hurt Hangman but so far we have the evidence of the complete opposite, he was loved and cheered like very few have in a setting like the one we just watched.
This didn't feel like Okada vs Shibata were the challenger was so fukking good it didn't feel believable he didn't win (and in that case, lost). And the end of the day, the feeling that stays with the fans is the classic they witnessed.
This does make it obligatory for a rematch at Revolution with Page winning clean though. I guess Battle of the Belts it's an option too but after the draw on TV they kinda have to make people pay to see finish between them.
That's why I said "to me." I'm probably in the minority with my opinion, and even then I just don't like it as a first defense. Third defense, cool. First defense for a brand new champion...I dunno. The match was great and the fans were still with him after all that, which is why I think they should have just had him win. I can't see him getting any more out of winning a rematch that he wouldn't have gotten by just winning here.
As for the Okada/Shibata point, again, that's why I said "to me." I watched the match and the biggest things that stuck out to me were Bryan's cardio and how Hangman looked like a wilted flower in comparison (this is probably as indicative of Hangman's inability to project his character in ring as much as it shows how fit Bryan is, but that's another discussion). That's a clear sign of a weaker fighter for me, or at least someone who's in the losing position/about to be in the losing position. It wouldn't have been a problem in a shorter match, but because they went 60 and Hangman looked like that for 25 minutes, it stuck out. And this doesn't even get into how much offense Bryan gave out in comparison to Hangman. Again, pretty sure I'm in the minority opinion here, but it did impact my view of him as a champion. It felt like he got exposed a little bit (and if this were a real fight, commentators would be jumping all over that point and wondering how Bryan could exploit it in a rematch).
I'm sure Hangman will win the rematch and everything will be fine. The fans aren't going to turn on him over this. But in my opinion it didn't feel like Hangman showed that he was Bryan's equal. It felt like Bryan kicked his ass and Hangman survived long enough to get off a knockout shot that just missed ending the match.
That's just me though