My grades for the show:
*Becky Lynch vs Sasha Banks: B
Good match. I just wish there was a story behind it and they had some time to hype it up.
*Triple Threat Tag Match: A+
Lots of great action. Good spots. Crowd was into it. Enjoyable overall. Lucha Dragons really got a chance to show off their skills. That Sliced Bread spot.
This match could be a launching pad for all of these tag teams. Possible classic that we just witnessed.
*Ryback vs Rusev: C
That test of strength suplex spot was dumb as hell. Lawler was extra annoying on commentary. I guess this was a nice transition match after the epic opener.
*Del Rio vs Swagger: B
WAY better than I expected. The ending spot was pretty good.
*The Wyatt Family vs Dudley Boyz, Rhyno, Dreamer: D
Well at least the Wyatts won. Team CTE has to go though. Especially Dreamer's dementia having ass. The fake me out flaming table spot was stupid.
*Owens vs Ambrose: B+
Great match. Extremely anticlimactic ending though.
*Paige vs Ric Flair's daughter: F
She's even stealing the flop. Even the
. The booking for this match was stupid. Flair had no reason to be out there. I think there was a heel turn at the end. Unless there wasn't one.
*Reigns vs Sheamus: B
An intense match like I expected. It's ridiculous how easily Sheamus bruises. The spots were grueling. I hated the ending. I really hope they don't drag this "underdog" storyline until Wrestlemania but it seems like it.
And of course they ruin that whole storyline by having him take out all of Sheamus' crew.
Like everyone keeps saying, you can't be an underdog when you beat up everyone.
But seeing Reigns snap and destroy Triple H was