[11/7] Monday Night Pi'Raw Thread - (Not) Live from Glasgow!


Nov 26, 2014
Glasgow? Roddy Piper might make an appearance :leon:


The Rainmaker

Mr. Money in the Bank
Jun 12, 2012
According to what I've read so far seems like an skippable show, except

Bayley got a huge, Daniel Bryan-esque reaction:bryanfan::baeley: They will probably edit it out :beli:

The Rainmaker

Mr. Money in the Bank
Jun 12, 2012

Highlight package from last weeks Raw opens us up. There is no love for Roman Reigns tonight!

Stephanie McMahon out first to talk about Survivor Series and brings out Team Raw....

Kevin Owens
Chris Jericho
Roman Reigns
Braun Strowman
Seth Rollins.

Kevin doesn't want Seth on the team. Rollins says they need him. He's been givin assurances to get him on the team and after Survivor Series, things between them are not done. Steph runs through the Smackdown Live team, then tells them they are gona fight like their jobs depend on it because they do and she leaves. Jerich and Owens go back and forth with Seth and Reigns. They all fight. Steph comes back out to make a Fatal 5 way match for tonight with all of them facing each other.

The ring changing for the Cruiserweight division.

Sin Cara come out and has to stand around waiting for the ring crew to finish.

Sin Cara & Rich Swann vs. Brian Kendrick & Noam Dar.

As expected place goes nuts for hometown boy Noam Dar. Noam and Rich start off and the "ICW" chants begin straight away for Noam. Rich Swann and Sin Cara get the win with a roll up from Swann on Kendrick. Kendrick puts down Noam after the match blaming him for loss. Kendrick says he has no talent or heart. Kendrick punches Noam they have a back and forth with Noam kicking Kendrick out the ring.

An amazing hype video for Brock Lesnar vs. Bill Goldberg.

Backstage segment: Sami Zayn and Stephanie McMahon. Shane McMahon has invited Stephanie to Smackdown Live tomorrow.

Steph finds Sami Zayn being there irritating. She said that he must of annoyed Mick Foley to let him get a match against Dolph Ziggler. Stephanie feels the match should go to Rusev. So, it's Rusev vs. Sami Zayn where the winner faces Ziggler.

Team Raw tag teams at Survivor Series will be Golden Truth, The Club, Sheamus & Cesaro and Enzo & Cass. All four teams go back and fourth until New Day come out with "Francesca's Scottish Cousin Agnes." New Day are dressed in kilts. Xavier Woods says they are gona fight for the love of Team Raw. The club and Sheamus say they are out if New Day are the captains. Big E gives the Braveheart speech. The troops are rallied and they are all back in, but the Club will stab them all in the back.

The New Day will face the Club next.

The New Day vs. The Club

Winners: The Club with the Magic Killer.

R-Truth has traded the Golden Truth's spot for a timeshare in the Caribbean. Shining Stars are now on the team. Goldust isnt happy he's going to get their spots back.

Another Lesnar vs. Goldberg hype video. They will go face to face next week.

Jericho and Owens are trying to get Braun Strowman on their side. He says he's on Team Braun and leaves. Jericho says that Braun just made the list.

The Golden Truth vs. The Shining Stars

Winners: Shining Stars with a rollup, holding Goldust's tights.

Shane McMahon and Daniel Bryan will be on Raw next week.

Michael Cole going over the rules of Survivor Series and introducing the Raw women's team:

Nia Jax
Alicia Fox

All the women take a shots at each other and the Smackdown Live women's team. Bayley cant get a sentence out due to the crowd singing to her. Charlotte tries introducing the 5th member of Team Raw but the crowd are singing so loud, she cant get out what she's trying to say. This is Daniel Bryan "Yes!" level noise, so hopefully, it stays in. Charlotte introduces Dana Brooke but Cole says shes not the 5th member, its Sasha Banks.

Six women tag team match

Bayley & Sasha Banks & Alicia Fox vs. Dana Brooke & Charlotte & Nia Jax.

The crowd still going crazy for Bayley but eventually dies down. Bayley pins Charlotte with the Bayley to Belly.

Winners: Bayley & Sasha Banks & Alicia Fox.

Sami Zayn vs. Rusev.

During Lana's introduction of Rusev she said America instead of Scotland. The fans were not happy about that. I think that may have thrown her off as her accent slipped a bit and messed up a bit of Rusev's intro.

Big reaction for Sami Zayn.

Winner: Sami Zayn with Helluva Kick to Rusev, who is on top rope for the pin. So its now Sami Zayn vs. Dolph Ziggler for the Intercontinental title at Survivor Series.

Seth Rollins vs. Braun Stowman vs. Roman Reigns vs. Chris Jericho vs. Kevin Owens

Jericho and Owens start off with rollins on the outside. They slide and try to get Braun to help them with Reigns but he says no and knocks down Jericho. Owens runs out into Rollins. Braun fights with Reigns and they end up on the floor. Rollins beats down Braun with a kendo stick. Rollins goes for a table but Braun stops him. Braun goes for the reverse chokeslam on Rollins but Seth jumps out of the ring. Everyone back in the ring, Braun standing over them. Everyone jumps on Braun but he shows his power and throws them all off. Braun goes for double choke slam on Reigns and Jericho but Owens stops with a superkick followed by a Jericho enziguiri, then Rollins nails a springboard knee and a Roman Superman punch. So much going on in this match, it is awesome.

Winner: Kevin Owens falls on top of Chris Jericho after Jericho is Pedigreed by rollins and Owens gets Superman punched by Reigns.


God's Grace
Nov 26, 2014
I just read reports, and there's no way I'm catching even a second of this. That was worst than reading the details of a tragic and fatal school bus accident involving children.

Worst raw ever! This is not my preferred method of masochism. I'll be grocery shopping and chatting at cafe.