It was ightReturns tonight, eh? Good show or not?
Reading the results right now, and your lead faces are Charlotte, Alexa Bliss and......Lacey???
What was bray's big surprise?
Just googled itA new belt and snatching Daniel Bryan's weave
I think Lacey can work as a face, Alexa I believe could be a really good babyface but I'm just waiting for her to turn on Nikki, Charlotte should NEVER be a babyface.
Sasha was given a few bullshyt overproduced lines, nobody would deliver those well. She has no problem cutting promos when there's no script.
Lacey is great on the mic, lives the gimmick on social media, and is solid in the ring (despite the few who constantly say otherwise)
a feud with her and Sasha has good potential
I like this story of people changing after facing the Fiend: Finn, Seth and now Bryan
Sasha was given a few bullshyt overproduced lines, nobody would deliver those well. She has no problem cutting promos when there's no script.