MSP was always considered to be a joke, the mean streets of Greenwich, Connecticutmore like The Shield. i cant remember but they were someones heavy when they first debuted. They did Vince's dirty work or some shyt and were taken seriously
of course i dont want them being "Singh brothers 2.0" who take abuse to make Jinder look strong.
I just think this heel turn of Shane will fall flat if he doesn't align with some real heels
more like The Shield. i cant remember but they were someones heavy when they first debuted. They did Vince's dirty work or some shyt and were taken seriously
of course i dont want them being "Singh brothers 2.0" who take abuse to make Jinder look strong.
I just think this heel turn of Shane will fall flat if he doesn't align with some real heels
I am not going to watch but I am fairly sure that Becky will appear/interfere in some fashion, she's too hot right now to not have her show up.The Man won't be there so this might be a #NoWatchGang kinda night.
I am not going to watch but I am fairly sure that Becky will appear/interfere in some fashion, she's too hot right now to not have her show up.
I don't care what anyone else says, Survivor Series is the one PPV I most look forward to, brand vs. brand is gangsta