Promo battles will be just waiting for this mjf/absolute feud coming up this winter![]()

Promo battles will be just waiting for this mjf/absolute feud coming up this winter![]()
And it feels like TK been ODing on it over the year.When there are no stories,but...MATCHES!
Actually one of the bright spots of La Nariz rn is him bringing back importance of the IC/US belts. TNAEW is the opposite with their participation championships and meaningless heat less defenses. A true alternative
That’s fair… but that’s the point of all businesses
And that means so much when you’re in said business, but we not though. We just spectators
Plus we as fan’s not even consistent with even judging that as the goalpost constantly moves depending on the agenda.
Evidently Danhausen draws money but many of y’all hate him.
Oh also, technically there are wrestling Oscars/Grammys with those PWI awards…. But again some people only think they legit when the wrestlers they hate don’t get chosen #1 and the ones the love do![]()
I guess using your logic we shouldn't care about who wins the Super Bowl since none of us are employed by our favorite teams.
Sir, have you forgotten the PWI and WON awards?the point of the wrestling business is to draw the most money, there is no pro wrestling Oscars/Grammys/etc, it's strictly about money and money only, so I'll judge it accordingly.
Who says it has to end after one match?Whoever wins the final of that tournament is going to have a quick feud since that title match is taking place on December 14th.
Jeff Jarrett got some mic time on the Nov. 9 episode of Dynamite, and like many ex-WWE employees do in their early promos after becoming All Elite, he got in a shot at his old place of employment.
While hyping up his new ally , the 7’2” Satnam Singh, Double J compared him to one of WWE’s big men, Braun Strowman. In the process, Triple H took a stray round.
“This ain’t no make-believe monster who wears red skinny jeans and is produced by the banana nose circus.”
The WWE Hall of Famer chose at least one of his targets well, as Strowman had just put himself back in hot water with fans and the locker room with some bad tweets after Crown Jewel. When Jarrett explained on his My World podcast why he targeted Braun, he confirmed those tweets were on his mind:
“... when he takes a shot at flippy floppy stuff and blah blah blah blah blah, it’s almost tone-deaf. Because in 2022, when you look at the landscape of all of professional wrestling, of all of sports entertainment, you want to resonate with your audience ... he didn’t just put one, he put both feet in his mouth and is knocking ‘flippy flop’, which I take offense to because this industry, whether it’s the X-Division, whether it’s Lucha Libre, whatever it may be — if we don’t have a diversity of genres of wrestling and styles of wrestling, I mean, you’ve talked about AAA. It’s a different appetite.”
Battlebots done for the season thoughIN for Swerve vs Bowens and Top Flight's & AR Fox's 6 man match.
Everything else on the card is just background noise until BattleBots comes on.
I know that BattleBots is done for the season. There's no need you guys to point that out, just go with the bit.
Cause it seems all he does is this so & so babyface is a fighting champion story with a hold bunch of heatless matches. Hell have them have a backstage issue or something leading to a match. Most of these matches are cold & then there 20 minutes matches when more time than not you don't need a low-level talent going twenty with the champ unless your elevation them to push them which is not the case.And it feels like TK been ODing on it over the year.
I know Mox has defended the belt at least 10 times over these recent reigns over the last 3 months.![]()