bob is big cappin..the fukk is he talking about ramadan? 

i used to not really perceive crawford as a big puncher. i was wrong - he is a big puncher.Brook is a broken fighter who drained himself to fight at a weight he hasn't fought at in years, gotta add context to these type of things
I'm not that impressed. I like Bud but im just not that impressed with this win
Sad that I have to say this but Kell better get a KO bc he won't win a decision.
I been saying Crawford got more one punch power than Spence.....that's why it's so hard to trade with him. Brook was nervous of buds power from the start. But it's time to see bud in there with the PBC guys now. No excuses. If not Spence then Thurman or porter.
He most certainly is, jus saying this isn't a prime Brook he fought in there, dude fell apart at the seams with the first big shot he tooki used to not really perceive crawford as a big puncher. i was wrong - he is a big puncher.