100 pushups in 6 weeks

May 20, 2015
I think weights may help burn more calories but I'm not an expert. I think it depends on diet and calorie intake. Maybe going light on the weights to keep the resistance up. @Originalgangsta317 @GinaThatAintNoDamnPuppy! What are your thoughts? I've heard weights burn calories longer than cardio. Maybe there's a weight limit where you're just burning and not gaining. But I guess it depends on the person.

Long as you getting your protein and keeping your muscles active. Check out the other thread too.

@The ADD said it best,you can actually do it different ways bruh,cardio,weights or calisthenics.

Cardio prolly would be best,but I got ripped off doing calisthenics with very short rest periods. Then I started lifting with very short rest periods,those worked. Once I got home I incorporated swimming into my routine and about to take boxing back up


Compound Kingpin
May 8, 2012
Focusville, USA
@The ADD said it best,you can actually do it different ways bruh,cardio,weights or calisthenics.

Cardio prolly would be best,but I got ripped off doing calisthenics with very short rest periods. Then I started lifting with very short rest periods,those worked. Once I got home I incorporated swimming into my routine and about to take boxing back up

I need to do swimming more myself. Prolly hit up the pool in the gym if not the one at home. Hopefully the weather gets right cuz it be constant heat and then rain. But yeah swimming is great cardio. Definitely gonna look into that.


May 14, 2012
I need to do swimming more myself. Prolly hit up the pool in the gym if not the one at home. Hopefully the weather gets right cuz it be constant heat and then rain. But yeah swimming is great cardio. Definitely gonna look into that.

You'll need an indoor pool with the space to do it there aren't too many outdoor pools that allot for a good workout swim. You can't be at a public pool swimming around kids and toys and shyt. You can if that's how you gotta get it. Swimming is a great full body cardio exercise but then again so is jumping rope.


Compound Kingpin
May 8, 2012
Focusville, USA
You'll need an indoor pool with the space to do it there aren't too many outdoor pools that allot for a good workout swim. You can't be at a public pool swimming around kids and toys and shyt. You can if that's how you gotta get it. Swimming is a great full body cardio exercise but then again so is jumping rope.

Yeah I got a pool but haven't used it in a while. Don't think I even used it last year. Big enough to get a decent cardio workout in. Never really was into jumping rope. My ass never had no hops so I might bust my ass tripping over the rope.


Old Master
May 11, 2012
I'm not negating it. Anytime your working out then you stop or finish your body slowly goes back to a normal resting state. Cardio just does it more efficiently and effectively.

Right you gave cardio credit for after burn for calories but dismiss the energy it takes your body to repair muscle damage from lifting. That repair also takes energy and that lasts well after you stop movement.

Also lifting weights can also be cardio when done with minimal rest.

Saying "cardio" is more effective at burning calories is misleading if not inaccurate.


May 14, 2012
Right you gave cardio credit for after burn for calories but dismiss the energy it takes your body to repair muscle damage from lifting. That repair also takes energy and that lasts well after you stop movement.

Also lifting weights can also be cardio when done with minimal rest.

Saying "cardio" is more effective at burning calories is misleading if not inaccurate.

I think your putting too much emphasis on "repairing". Sure your body is going to be healing, you will be sore, your going to feel it but your body isn't in overdrive.

You can do various sets and reps with weight and like any exercise or change in activity will respond and recover. There are key factors for cardio that lead to more effective afterburn, intensity, duration, heart rate max and avg play a factor. Can you achieve those with resistance, yes.

Repairing doesn't burn calories. You can break you leg or get punched in the. Bicep until you bruise your body will heal and repair but your not burning extra calories doing so. A person who hasn't squatted in 2 years can max out and be sore for 3 days their body is Repairing but they aren't burning excess calories, their metabolism has gone back to normal etc. Youre consistently , growing hair, nails, digesting, maintaining a regulated temperature that's apart of living, basal metabolic rate.

To reiterate cardio, and weight training causes epoc (afterburn) but it's proven more effective in tests and studies with labs by people who are hooked up to medical grade heart monitors not fitbits, and other devices that monitor oxygen consumption, temperature and other statistics than weight training alone. When it comes to working out there are various goals and objectives, stamina, endurance, strength, speed.

Running 1 mile is not equal to walking 2 miles. Just like someone 3 rep maxing or one rep maxing 425 isn't the same as someone doing 40 reps of 135 (I'm not looking at a rep chart)

The reality is no one is having crazy epoc like hours and hours of burn except pro athletes, tour DE France etc. Regular Joes are still burning extra calories in the shower or when they sit down 30-an hour at best


Old Master
May 11, 2012
I think your putting too much emphasis on "repairing". Sure your body is going to be healing, you will be sore, your going to feel it but your body isn't in overdrive.

You can do various sets and reps with weight and like any exercise or change in activity will respond and recover. There are key factors for cardio that lead to more effective afterburn, intensity, duration, heart rate max and avg play a factor. Can you achieve those with resistance, yes.

Repairing doesn't burn calories. You can break you leg or get punched in the. Bicep until you bruise your body will heal and repair but your not burning extra calories doing so. A person who hasn't squatted in 2 years can max out and be sore for 3 days their body is Repairing but they aren't burning excess calories, their metabolism has gone back to normal etc. Youre consistently , growing hair, nails, digesting, maintaining a regulated temperature that's apart of living, basal metabolic rate.

To reiterate cardio, and weight training causes epoc (afterburn) but it's proven more effective in tests and studies with labs by people who are hooked up to medical grade heart monitors not fitbits, and other devices that monitor oxygen consumption, temperature and other statistics than weight training alone. When it comes to working out there are various goals and objectives, stamina, endurance, strength, speed.

Running 1 mile is not equal to walking 2 miles. Just like someone 3 rep maxing or one rep maxing 425 isn't the same as someone doing 40 reps of 135 (I'm not looking at a rep chart)

The reality is no one is having crazy epoc like hours and hours of burn except pro athletes, tour DE France etc. Regular Joes are still burning extra calories in the shower or when they sit down 30-an hour at best
I think you are underestimating the repair of muscle damage. I doubt that any of the studies you are quoting are measuring that aspect. They are more likely measuring the effects post work out with those monitors which wouldn't begin to quantify the effort the body needs to repair muscle in that way.

That's my stance but there are different outlooks, studies etc.

Agree to disagree but good discussion.