That's what I'm saying, he's been figured out, for years. They get caught. He is a man out of his physical prime now. What happens when that right hand is no longer the equalizer? Boxing has long given us examples of what happens when the physical gifts fade. Look at Floyd and look at Roy as two polar opplsites. Roy could box but his edge was his otherworldly reflexes and speed. Once that left, that was all she wrote. Once the one hit ko power fades from Wilder, what else does he have? He's a sitting duck. Floyd got away with not being in his prime because he is one of the most technical fighters ever. It's how B-Hop reigned in his mid 40s, by being skilled. Strength isn't a skill, it's an attribute; an attribute that will fade after some time. As soon as fury made some adjustments, Wilder went back to tendencies. Fury got caught twice because he stopped respecting Wilder and his big punch.