That pop. Big Show is OVER and has co-opted Bryan's chant.
And there's nothing y'all can do about it.![]()
And Show O.E.N.O.Show rents big rigs, gets a satellite set up and has a brick wall built for himself to stand in front of, and that's just one day, no wonder he's fukking broke.
Season 3 was my FAVORITE season of Buffy, so I know exactly what you mean.I can't imagine Orton being booked in anything significant come Mania time. When it comes to Buffy villains, Orton is basically the Mr. Trick to HHH's Mayor Wilkins.
Almost a complete non-factor in the grand scheme of things.
Im guessing they'll keep him preoccupied with Del rio & eventually sandow for now. Already too many damn players as is, after Orton catch his L sunday he going straight down to midcard mediocritySo let's be real here, how does John Cena fit into this story line?lol.
FINAL THOUGHTS: A lot of messages in the final segment leading to the PPV. WWE labeled one-half of their PPV main event as not a star, they teased Hunter wrestling again down the road (but not at Sunday's PPV), Big Show reinserted himself into the mix to continue the over-arching story of tormenting The Authority, Michaels was more interested in figuring out why Hunter is not fun anymore, and someone in WWE is mad at Jericho, RVD, and Edge. The only potential pay-off match to the last item is Jericho eventually returning to face someone from The Authority since Edge is retired and RVD is just RVD.
Overall, it comes down to two things: did the immediate message of Orton-Bryan resonate with enough fans to generate PPV buys and did not enough people not order Battleground and/or forgive WWE for the BGround non-finish three weeks after BGround?