There were 5 categories, of which THEN women chose OTHER options.
The question wasn't: are you happy, yes or no,
the question, of these 5 which do you agree with.
Thats a completely different question.
yeah so...the majority of women agreed with the statement that they were happy with the ring lol. People are focusing on the unhappy minority. By the way, where does the article list the items in the survey? For all we know, the majority of the women chose the statement that said they were satisfied. Still warrants the same conclusion: the majority agreed that they were satisfied with the ring.
The methodology was flawed.
of course it was flawed. I'm not arguing that. I looked to find the analysis and it's nowhere. There's no mention of where they sampled this group from, their demographics, the type of analysis run, the qualifications of the people conducting it. It's a pop psychology study for all we know. Unless someone can find the data...
People need to take studies with a grain of salt.
Its like when they say people "dislike atheists" more than pedophiles or something, but the question is phrased in a fukked up way.
so we both agree it's faulty and questionable. So why are people swearing off women and getting upset over a faulty survey that tells half of the story.
So? dudes would want sex regardless.
Yeah. I wasn't trying to argue that. It's an observation. The observation is that You have these two events that change how we view relationships, idealized porn and idealized romance media. They both affect groups in different ways. There's no "so" it's just an observation lol.
porn changes the DYNAMIC of sex for sure, but the pursuit? Definitely not.
So porn doesn't change expectations of relationships? Look porn isn't a bad thing. But to say it doesn't change anything in a person or what they want from others is a blind statement.
I dont even know what this means.
im talking about discussing what the sexes want from relationships. It seems like each group belittles or puts down what the other wants and it leads to misunderstanding and bytching. Look at this thread. Look at the study. Would it kill men and women to try to understand one another a little better?
Look. we are on the same side .
I'm not denying that you or others have run into some materialistic women. All I'm saying is maybe if people would belittle what the other wants and quit making something that is supposed to enrich life into some power struggle, maybe it wouldn't seem so doom and gloom for you all. It just seems like people WANT life to be shyt, they want to be miserable, they want to believe all women are against them, and can't open their eyes to good people.