Gotcha brodiewho knows, there's both sides of the aisle on this one. you got the 64x guys and the get out now while you can people.

Gotcha brodiewho knows, there's both sides of the aisle on this one. you got the 64x guys and the get out now while you can people.
What’s funny? Is what he saying true or nah? Is it a pump n dump?
Verge, sittin at .23 cents fairly strongly waiting for wraith news.What coin you talking bout breh
Thanks, got it from the website you linked, with a c not k. I've sent a bit to the wallet to test it out... it says 'not syncing' take it that's nothing to be concerned about?Make sure it’s Electra
That’s step one
Elektra is a scam
Electra isnt
The chat is just everyone trying to convince everyone else that the shyt coin they threw in on is bout to blow.The chat on coinsmarket is a joke breh, don't get caught up in reading that shyt.
Yea but i've stayed logged in for the past couple hours tho on my desktop.were you able to login okay with coinsmarkets? mine has been frozen for the last 30 minutes
i thought LTC would go lightening quick and didn't need 6 confirmations. is it because he transferred from coinbase vs gdax/binance
were you able to login okay with coinsmarkets? mine has been frozen for the last 30 minutes
The chat on coinsmarket is a joke breh, don't get caught up in reading that shyt.
as opposed to?