Heard bout the Elon and spacex thing as well. Lot of the crash is due to China I believe. They going thru some shyt after so many years of expansion. Not just with evergrande. Their real estate investments going down. Their entire economy going down. Just came across this tweet from last week that looked troubling.
Looks like they going into a deflationary period. Their currency going down in value.
China’s yuan has dipped briefly to a 16-year low against the dollar, raising questions about whether Beijing might weaken its currency to help struggling exporters and reverse a deepening economic slump
Don't know if they weakening it or what or trying to eliminate it for brics currency.
They got too busy kissing ass with the Russians and other countries to convince their people about the "evil Americans and West" that they seem to be destroying their own country. I knew back from covid that Chinese production had to be moved domestically or even to Mexico or Canada. Don't know if that has been done to some extent but things may get ugly if China going thru problems.
Trading Economics provides data for 20 million economic indicators from 196 countries including actual values, consensus figures, forecasts, historical time series and news. United States Imports By Country - was last updated on Tuesday, January 28, 2025.
In 2022 they were at the top with 18% of imports. That's gotta change or all hell breaking loose. I know I read recently they were gonna start selling US dollars. It may get ugly until at least Halloween or mid October.