I recently hit my goal of 5k on CB so no longer adding to my stack. Nothing personal against the coin. Just wanted to set a simple goal since it was cheap. For charting, looks rather questionable, but then again so does most of the coins these days or rather past few days. Looks to have strong support at .05 cents. From both June and July. Maybe some at .0775 and a bit further up around .085. Hasn't closed a daily candle below about .0935 since crossing over it on 08/01/21 so thats been helpful. Granted its only been a month and a half but good to see any dips below that point have been eaten up so something to keep in mind. A candle close below .0925 would have me worried a bit but who knows what the market may do rest of the month and then into October. Hopefully there's not much movement in either direction for next 2 weeks and it remains stable before shooting back up.
Far as the coin. I see they're involved with web 3.0 which I like. They seem to be involved in the internet of the future and any project working on shyt that would be beneficial in the future must be good. Its also a defi platform where people can build staking dapps and i love me some defi and staking. I wonder if I can stake my coins tho. I'm on their stakefi.ankr.com website looking now to see whats good. eth, bnb, and avax only.
Looks like its basically a decentralized app to stake ETH from. Can stake any amount even if you don't have the 32 eth limit using a micropool. Actually min looks to be .5 eth. Coinbase has staking and other places do too as well so who knows how much of a difference this site may be.
Then I saw this question which was kind of interesting.
Asking if ANKR coins can be used on the platform and they answered:
Yes! If you own enough ANKR tokens, you can participate in governance and vote on key parameters to define the future of the platform.
Don't know what the key parameters may be tho.
I also see this:
Become a provider by running Ethereum 2.0 nodes on Ankr with no hardware or technical knowledge required.
Don't know nothing about no nodes or even attempting to run any staking programs and being responsible for other peoples coins so this must be for professionals. Actually that might be where the governance part comes in cuz I see this stated:
Participate in governance and be a part of the future of the platform!
So that must be for the providers running nodes only.
I added their discord from the site.
Discord - A New Way to Chat with Friends & Communities
They have a twitter.
https://twitter.com/ankr And a telegram which I hate so won't be joining that.
I see a somewhat active subreddit.
Plus came across this document site on it.
Welcome to Ankr Docs
Looks like ANKR is basically a governance token for the most part.
About ANKR Tokens
So the more use and popularity the platform gets, the more value the coins seem to have. There is a limited supply of 10 billion tokens with approximately 27000 holders of ANKR tokens (as of July 2021).
- ANKR tokens can be used to pay for services on the Ankr platform, such as node deployment & API services.
ANKR tokens allow participation in on-chain governance.
Looks like they have staking on two separate sites. OnX and Bancor. one seems to be eth and the other bnt, whatever that is, might be the bancor token.
How to stake ANKR tokens?
Don't know if you get rewards in ankr or onx but onx currently about .56. Will have to do more research. Actually I connected my wallet and see farming for ankr but staking for onx so might just be farming available with ankr coins. Of course its a 68 ankr fee to send from CB to MM plus who knows how much in gas to farm so my stack might be too small for it to be worth it.
Seems like its just hodl on CB for me. And keeping an eye on the price from time to time.