This will be a quick summary of my journey into crypto:
-Started back in May 2017 on another forum that I used to post on a lot about sports. They have a finance/education section and there was a thread about BTC. I decided to check it out as I'd heard of BTC, but wasn't sure what it was. People seemed to be making money on that and ETH.
-I decided to open a Coinbase account and put a few hundred in at the end of May 2017. Then I put a few hundred more in a couple of times in the following weeks. I had seen about a 40% (just guessing) increase in my portfolio.
-I signed up for some other exchanges as well, some that took a while to verify. The next coin people were hyping was NEO (was Antshares at the time), and I bought into it as it was supposed to be the "Chinese ETH". I didn't have a ton in it, and it had gone up.
-July 2017 came around and I had decided to take most of my savings from my stock portfolio (Around $40,000) and transfer it to an exchange. I think I bought more NEO, some BTC, and some ETH.
-That same month, a poster on the site I was on posted about OMG (OmiseGo) being the next big coin and that Vitalek Buterin was involved. I decided to put some in around $.60.
-It went up to around $1.00 and then I put my entire stack into it. By the time September came around, I had about 30,000 OMG coins. I decided to keep holding thinking it would rocket. It hit around $14-15 and then had a pullback.
-October 2017 came around and I actually took a loan for $50,000. I knew I could afford to take it because worst case scenario, I'd sell my OMG to pay it back. There was a poster on that same site that said Palm Beach Confidential was going to recommend a coin tomorrow. At that time, I put in about three or four BTC into ZEN which was one of the possibilities. It was around $10. That same fukking night, I was leaving work, and I got cold feet about it. I went back inside, signed onto the computer, and sold my stake in ZEN. As I'm driving home, I looked at my phone and it had literally just gotten recommended minutes later and was up to $27.

-I ended up buying back in under $20, and continued to hold.
-January 2018 came around and everything was flying.
-I kept holding and got my dik kicked in.
-May 2018 came around and ZEN got listed on Binance. It pumped up to $50+. I sold 40%, bought back lower, and then bought NEO and WTC (got killed on WTC).
-The next two and a half years sucked as for the majority of the time, ZEN was $4-10. I held all the way and was feeling the stress and frustration. I still had the loan to pay back too (fortunately, I was making good money at my job).
-A few times it would pump by one dollar or something which was great as I had/have quite a bit.
-I kept holding and holding as the project has been making great strides, and is supported by Grayscale.
-Then, at the end of 2020, shyt started pumping. Go into February 2021, and ZEN hit an ATH, and I finally hit the seven figure milestone (on paper). I've continued to hold for the most part. I sold probably 1,500 ZEN over the past few years to pay for things and pay back my loan, so I try not to look at that and see "what it would be" if I didn't sell, as I wouldn't be doing this still if I didn't sell.
That's the most simplistic way of detailing "my story". I guess I took a chance, got lucky in some instances, held and didn't try to trade, and have no run into a bull market.

I could have easily gotten crushed with a few poor moves here and there, but that's why I don't really trade. One decision can be make or break, and I felt like the fewer decisions I made in terms of buying/selling, the better off I'd be. The price of ZEN from fall of 2018 through fall of 2020 was between $5-10 for most of the time, and closer to $5. I was definitely concerned for much of that time, but I just kept holding.