Upgrade to Binance.uscant even log on to crypto.com because of this doge traffic
Upgrade to Binance.uscant even log on to crypto.com because of this doge traffic
Yeah definitely like omi. I follow it on my coingecko portfolio and it's been slacking lately but I don't even check the exchange I have it on much really so I been forgetting about it for now. Definitely has long term potential.
Alright so I'm confused af, Bitcoin and Stock shi* I don't get at all. I have Robinhood and just downloaded Coinbase but I have to wait until my account verifies. I bought $100 dodge in February because I saw it on twitter, number keeps fluctuating and I'm seeing people say sell it whatever, my total return dipped from like $431 to now $327. Do I sell or keep at it? I downloaded The Interment of Money and Mastering Bitcoin and Warren Buffet's book but I'm lost like a mf. I started listening to Earn Your Leisure also
What exactly is your question? Are you asking why it's going up and down, or if you should buy/sell/hold?
I understand the up and down. People are saying Robinhood is trash and this and that is better but isn't the Dodge coin just made up in the first place? and where should I move it to then Coinbase?
Sell cause it's clear it's not something you particularly care about. Take out all your profit, keep your initial 100$ take that shyt out and then go reinvest that into a coin you research and like on coinbase, cause robinhood legit don't have the liquidity to give you your money back if everyone starts selling or buying at once.Alright so I'm confused af, Bitcoin and Stock shi* I don't get at all. I have Robinhood and just downloaded Coinbase but I have to wait until my account verifies. I bought $100 dodge in February because I saw it on twitter, number keeps fluctuating and I'm seeing people say sell it whatever, my total return dipped from like $431 to now $327. Do I sell or keep at it? I downloaded The Interment of Money and Mastering Bitcoin and Warren Buffet's book but I'm lost like a mf. I started listening to Earn Your Leisure also
Where can I get shiba at and can I store it on my metamask?
Edit - never mind I found out how...thanks!
What exchange you use to get it?shiba is doge but better and a billion times cheaper. thats a true yolo play. i didnt put in much and still have millions of themgonna just let that chill for mad long
same with feg..that one is down today..may just buy more. the gas eth fee isalmost forces a hold play on it which is fine. i hope it goes down into the night time when gas fees are less. that one actually has purpose though..its gonna make me a millionaire. question is when
shiba is doge but better and a billion times cheaper. thats a true yolo play. i didnt put in much and still have millions of themgonna just let that chill for mad long
same with feg..that one is down today..may just buy more. the gas eth fee isalmost forces a hold play on it which is fine. i hope it goes down into the night time when gas fees are less. that one actually has purpose though..its gonna make me a millionaire. question is when
Yeah I just looked on my trust wallet seeing how much it would be and I saw like, 403$ and idk if I fukked that up idk, just saw I can get it on hotbit so I'm doing thatMan them damn gas fees on uniswap for shiba....
Gonna see if them gas fees go down this weekend.