The one kid he had with a Black baby momma before he got some money.Trav probably low key Truth's child
I bet you IC/WWE and US/WHC getting swapped. US title on USA network again, plus Netflix definitely gonna want CodyTag champs in the crowd, No IC Champ, No World Heavyweight Champion. The Netflix brass must have got in HHH ear about what they wanted to see tonight.
Yeah,The first show on Netflix. Y’all know good and gotdamn well it was going to be like this.
You don't. And you'll never reproduce. Which is a good thing but it must hurt you. 70 posts
Aint no way that shyt is real
This can't be real.....
You sound like Hogan talking about Foley....Look at his physique and then look at McIntyres (nh). There's a reason he's not actual main event brother.
I'd love them to live stream it on Twitter or something.Do they ever actually use the ref cam or is it just a novelty
With this level of production every show better be goodNext week most likely gonna be way better. This feels like one of those anniversary Raws but I am entertained with that being said
Tag champs in the crowd, No IC Champ, No World Heavyweight Champion. The Netflix brass must have got in HHH ear about what they wanted to see tonight.
this show set in the 80s, with Trick Williams as the lead playing a young corner boy finally leveling up to plug statuswe can get a proper drug turf war between The Family and Legado Del Fantasma
max or netflix who will get CoKane first
If weed is a go on Netflix. We gonna need talent doing Columbia lines too.