Top 113 Poster
Mint mobile commercials? Come on, Netflix. You’re better than this. 

You seen the sign clowning OSU breh?Golden globes bossin' it up right away...the PEOPLES CHAMP
He playing games he never put the 1's up like Heyman & Roman he was plotting you could see it in his eyesWhat happened to heel rock? Wanted him to attack Roman and Cody
i understand that but they are at the mercy of his schedule. Honestly it was a damn near miracle how much we got him last year to say that he's literally the busiest man in Hollywood. They gonna be on Rock's time forever. Rock can call them two weeks before Mania and says he can do a match and they'd change everything for himThey really can’t lol that nikka ain’t getting any younger or more spry. Cody dikk riders ruined shyt
Solo lose yet again… the bloodline is done or nah? Cuz I don’t see how they can continue this
Cole is explaining everything so completely..."THE COUSIN OF ROMAN REIGNS....SUPERKICK TO HIS YOUNGER BROTHER SOLO...!!!"
US Ad free is showing Jackie and the New Day
I’m curious how that pans out and if a title will be involved.Nobody wants to see Roman vs Punk at Mania....