I haven't studied the intricacies of math/science, I'm simply asking a question. You seem like a pretty decent type, the type to not resort to name calling and general bashing of the honestly inquisitive. With that being said, this is not in my field, what the hell did you just say? In layman's terms please. I was up with you until entangled photons.
ok so
1. even if I wanted to name call, I suck at it and it makes me queasy, so I rarely do it
2. it's like this, most things you measure in your regular life will have some degree of error
so when you cut that pizza in 1/3rds you can never be sure that it is exactly 1/3
when you do lab experiments, say a chemical assay/reaction, your measurements are never perfect as written in the chemical equation reaction, you may say that you collected 1 gram of sulfonyl chloride but even the scale used to measure everything will have a certain degree of acceptable error
integers are naturally ideal, they represent something you rarely experience in real life