23. Degeneration X — Shawn Michaels, Triple H, X-Pac, Road Dogg, and Billy Gunn, along with their off-screen compadre Scott Hall — had a reunion concert in the Manhattan Center, and they posted a group photo on social media afterward:
What? Oh, sorry, here it is:
The whole thing was somewhere between a Lynyrd Skynrd concert and the Senior Olympics. I loved seeing all of these guys, but their shtick is so steeped in antiestablishment youthfulness that seeing them crotch-chopping their way across a ring with glow sticks in 2018 felt a little embarrassing. The interpersonal moments — Shawn telling Triple H, “I used to be the boss of this group and now you’re the boss of everything” — were nice, and the shout-outs to the late Rick Rude and Chyna were touching. But in a night of throwbacks, DX felt like a bunch of old men putting on their letter jackets for homecoming and getting shytcanned.
Oh wait, here’s one more pic of HBK backstage:
Twenty-six Notes on the 25th Anniversary Episode of ‘WWE Raw’