Just finished this.
-Mox looks fantastic and seems to move around better than ever. Ethan Page should actually ask Mox for some workout tips; he's getting some of his old stomach flab back. Match was good, nothing blow away though. It seemed like they were doing their take on the Punk/Darby "getting back into the groove" match, but neither of these guys are CM Punk or Darby Allin in the ring, so it didn't come off as well. I am VERY excited about a prospective Mox/Danielson feud, especially if Mox remains committed to actually wrestling instead of just brawling.
-Jungle Boy starting his promo with "you know what Billy Gunn, you've been a salty old bytch" fukking killed me.

He is legitimately getting better at cutting promos, though. I can't for the life of me see what others see in Luchasaurus. He kinda sucks, honestly.
-Watching Nick Jackson wrestle is like analyzing a Jackson Pollack painting sometimes. Dude just throws fukking everything at the wall simply to see what sticks, and even though the result shouldn't logically work or be entertaining, he has a shockingly high hit rate with his work. Dude is something else.
Trent is an idiot and will probably put himself in a wheelchair at some point. Good wrestler though.
The match was fun, and now that I think about it, I believe Trent might be the only Best Friends member to actually get wins in their feud with The Elite up to this point. Interesting.
-Hook squash was exactly what it needed to be, and Serpentico getting thrown and slammed around while wrapped in his own streamers just made everything that much better. Same with the AI stepover.
-TK has got to stop reading wrestling forums, because all of a sudden he has a bunch of chicks who can't cut convincing promos all over the AEW product because...we gotta have women cutting promos on the show, I guess? When Mercedes Martinez's piece in that video package of hers with Rosa is convincingly the second best of four women's promos on the night, you have to know that it's not a strength of the roster (save for a few like Britt Baker and Thunder Rosa) and dial it back a bit. Anna Jay could probably tell me the sky is blue at 7:00 AM and I wouldn't believe her.
-Jade/Jay was kind of boring with a few cool spots peppered throughout (like that really slick counter into the rear naked choke or Jade's one armed powerbomb). However, I thought it was going to be awful, so points for avoiding that. Anna Jay needs to start actually laying in her shots, since nothing she does really looks like it hurts. Jade needs to not be booked in a 10 minute match for a long while, since she really doesn't know how to keep people into longer matches (lots of posing, taunting, the ridiculous 22-second crossover spot that made Anna Jay look stupid as hell). Wrestlers like Jade are the entire reason why Dark exists, but instead we get a push and a hope that she develops into a good wrestler. I get it, but I also just can't wrap my head around it either.
With all that said, this wasn't bad at all. Just kind of dull.
Solid little show on the whole.