Vice Queen

aka Joe Henny
Jan 15, 2015

That dude at Rampage needs to be smileyd

:beardtears: :mjcry::mjlol:


Guys, guys, now now, we can't be making fun of the beards for showing a bit of emotion and passion towards something they love, even if they would turn around and do the same to us, or downplay racism and sexism in wrestling, or tell a blatant lie like The Rock didn't become famous until after wrestling. No, let the beards cry, it's passion.

Bryan Danielson

Jmare007 x Bryan Danielson x JLova = King Ghidorah
May 16, 2012
#We Are The Flash #DOOMSET #LukeCageSet #NEWLWO
Lowkey I've always tried. I've watched some njpw on YouTube but I was always attracted to the older stuff(I'm talking 90s and 2000s)

I've always been a casual and always will be :takedat:

NJPW was the company that really opened my eyes when I started branching out.

Like most of the matches aren’t catapulted off some over produced, over exaggerated wacky angles or feuds.

Most times I didn’t even have a full back story and didn’t have vignettes or long 20 min promos to even get in to their matches.

Most cases they don’t even have promos except for the main one at the end of the main event

But just having everything simplified down into just watching “pro wrestling” and surprisingly more times than not I was floored and fully entertained

That was a eye opening thing for me.

The first G1 I watched changed the way I looked at everything

Next after that was Lucha Underground that went another direction that really blew my mind and exposed me to even another level or way to do this thing other than the McDonalds way or the last 3 decades.

And when you think about it McDonalds is the richest, most popular, most global restaurant in the entire world.

But even as big as they are, we all know damn well they ain’t the best nor do they have the best food in the world:mjlol:

Reality Check

Keepin' it 100
May 2, 2012
I don't know about that man.. I don't want to derail. But edges return last year felt more Surreal since legit no one saw it coming considering the circumstances

But still. I shouldn't be comparing. I should just enjoy all these moments for what they are and just be glad we were all able to witness em

Pretty sure it's a joke and is playing off of him saying that every week on Nitro.


All Star
Jul 11, 2012
That’s not really being objective breh

Also that isn’t just what wrestling is supposed to be

In wrestling…… not every time or every match “two niccas hate each other and want to beat the shyt out of each other on tv”

Hell I can give you literally 3 giant matches to prove my point:

One of the Punk vs Cena feuds (where he was leaving the E, he even literally says he has no problem with Cena and liked him)

One of the Rock vs Austin feuds (I forgot which Mania but that feud centered more on wanting to be the best, not out of hate for each other)

Hogan vs Rock (they didn’t hate each other, it was more about who was the real icon)

Also ROH literally used to have a Honor code where you shake hands before you start a match and also a lot of matches in NJPW are not about “hating each other and blood feuds” and it never ruins the vibe of the match.

I get we can like what we like, but the beauty of true pro wrestling is it doesn’t have to be “one way” and it definitely doesn’t need to be the way Vince see it or does it

Everyone can have a lane

Even better. All those scenarios them nikkas wanted to prove WHO WAS THE BEST. An athletic contest. None of them nikkas said in a promo “I want to work you”. No. They said I’m the best, I’m going to kick your ass.

The reason why nikkas bought into the Pipebomb, nWo, etc was because of the suspension of disbelief.

AEW relies way too much dirt sheet lingo or a lot of this shyt that’s geared towards the smark crowds and has always been this “wink and the gun” bullshyt.

I was promised “sports based presentation”… an alternative to WWE (although WWF brought me into watching wrestling as a kid, it was pre Hogan WCW 92-94 that made a PRO WRESTLING fan) and this shyt ain’t it.

All I see with AEW is ex-WWE guys or guys WWE made stars get allowed to cuss, and a bunch of inexperienced wrestlers who make things obvious that shyt is fake as fukk.

And a lot of you nikkas wanna “stick it to the man” so bad y’all will hype up any of this bullshyt just so you can feel anti-establishment.

All this shyt lame, I’ll be in the threads debating wrestling from 89-03 .

Bryan Danielson

Jmare007 x Bryan Danielson x JLova = King Ghidorah
May 16, 2012
#We Are The Flash #DOOMSET #LukeCageSet #NEWLWO
Even better. All those scenarios them nikkas wanted to prove WHO WAS THE BEST. An athletic contest. None of them nikkas said in a promo “I want to work you”. No. They said I’m the best, I’m going to kick your ass.

The reason why nikkas bought into the Pipebomb, nWo, etc was because of the suspension of disbelief.

2 - AEW relies way too much dirt sheet lingo or a lot of this shyt that’s geared towards the smark crowds and has always been this “wink and the gun” bullshyt.

3 - I was promised “sports based presentation”… an alternative to WWE (although WWF brought me into watching wrestling as a kid, it was pre Hogan WCW 92-94 that made a PRO WRESTLING fan) and this shyt ain’t it.

4 - All I see with AEW is ex-WWE guys or guys WWE made stars get allowed to cuss, and a bunch of inexperienced wrestlers who make things obvious that shyt is fake as fukk.

5 - And a lot of you nikkas wanna “stick it to the man” so bad y’all will hype up any of this bullshyt just so you can feel anti-establishment.

All this shyt lame, I’ll be in the threads debating wrestling from 89-03 .

Ok so let’s start with the bold

Darby was the one that from a TV point initiated the feud and pretty much said he wanted to take on “The best in the world” that box is already checked.

Also like punk said last night “that’s his first night there first promo, they night gonna be able to get into everything last night. I mean damn…. It’s not like their is a PPV tonight and these guys are wrestling each other that quick. We still have multiple shows

2 - That’s actually a fair thing to say…. But here is how I look at it. As many love to call out….. maybe that is there initial audience so why is it a bad thing to cater to that audience? Just be cause they got a little bigger now, now would be the wrong time to be like “ok fukk YOU the audience that was with us from day one and let’s cater to an audience that’s not even existing for us or already doesn’t fukk with us so we need to extra pander” They don’t really need to change there speed, it’s the audience that needs to catch up

3 - That’s fair too, but again whether right or wrong, they need to as best as the can do things their way. Why do they need to do some shyt we already seen before from 92-94 exactly the way it was done. It’s not supposed to be it

4 - I get that but this is kinda some Pot calling kettle black shyt. All we see on the WWE side is a bunch of Ex TNA/ROH and some NJPW guys in wacky gimmicks and a bunch of inexperienced guys that make shyt look fake as fukk:russ: Also almost all their legendary Iconic stars was former WCW guys. And if we wanna really keep it some of there latest champs had to go to TNA to have great careers to show they are the man… so in some ways TNA made them who they are today in the E (MVP, Lashley & Drew)

5 - Maybe….. but there’s also been a lot of bullshyt that’s been hyped up for years way before AEW even though existed. This reaction isn’t coming from no where if that’s how you feel. In many ways it’s just and warranted

The Rainmaker

Mr. Money in the Bank
Jun 12, 2012
Guys, guys, now now, we can't be making fun of the beards for showing a bit of emotion and passion towards something they love, even if they would turn around and do the same to us, or downplay racism and sexism in wrestling, or tell a blatant lie like The Rock didn't become famous until after wrestling. No, let the beards cry, it's passion.

And he's getting recognized. From one crying guy to another :ehh:


Bryan Danielson

Jmare007 x Bryan Danielson x JLova = King Ghidorah
May 16, 2012
#We Are The Flash #DOOMSET #LukeCageSet #NEWLWO
@Bryan Danielson is right... y’all should at least give NJPW a chance :wow:

You don’t even need to enjoy/know the storylines to enjoy their matches.

My first NJPW was Ibushi vs Nakamura at wrestle kingdom 9 (I think):wow::wow:

At minimum….. niccas should just check out the G1 and watch it from start to finish.

That has legitimately became my favorites time of the year

And if I’m being honest.

The G1 and Wrestle Kingdom are my favorite “Can’t Miss” shows/events of the year

Mr. Brown

All Star
Apr 30, 2012
Just watched the Punk thing again. This really might be the game changer that sparks another war. I don’t want to overreact because I thought the same thing when Angle showed up at TNA. But we know his health problems and how poorly run that company was. The difference here is AEW seems to be run much better, has better exposure because of the channel it’s on and Punk might just be bigger than Angle ever was and he seems mad motivated right now. That time away might’ve rejuvenated him. Then add on the additions of Bryan, Black, Miro and potentially Cole/Wyatt. Then they’ve also got the legends AE fans remember like Sting, Jericho, Taz, Henry, Christian and JR


Nov 19, 2016
I don't know how many they'll have overall, but you can tell Punk wants an anthology with Darby. First match will be against each other and ultimately his last match in AEW will be putting Darby over :wow:


Produced, Arranged, Composed and Performed by....
Oct 13, 2014
@Bryan Danielson is right... y’all should at least give NJPW a chance :wow:

You don’t even need to enjoy/know the storylines to enjoy their matches.

My first NJPW was Ibushi vs Nakamura at wrestle kingdom 9 (I think):wow::wow:

Same as that :salute: - It was 9 - Naka came out with the pole dancers at 8 against Tanahashi.

Ibushi v Nakamura might be one of the GOAT entry point matches they have.

I've inducted the missus into Puro Gang since the pandemic started. She's Rainmaker Gang for life after we watched the Okada/ Omega series and she rocked with Misawa v Kawada heavy too. The end goal is Okada v Shibata at Sakura Genesis '17 though :wow:


Captain L
Dec 7, 2014
NJPW was the company that really opened my eyes when I started branching out.

Like most of the matches aren’t catapulted off some over produced, over exaggerated wacky angles or feuds.

Most times I didn’t even have a full back story and didn’t have vignettes or long 20 min promos to even get in to their matches.

Most cases they don’t even have promos except for the main one at the end of the main event

But just having everything simplified down into just watching “pro wrestling” and surprisingly more times than not I was floored and fully entertained

That was a eye opening thing for me.

The first G1 I watched changed the way I looked at everything

Next after that was Lucha Underground that went another direction that really blew my mind and exposed me to even another level or way to do this thing other than the McDonalds way or the last 3 decades.

And when you think about it McDonalds is the richest, most popular, most global restaurant in the entire world.

But even as big as they are, we all know damn well they ain’t the best nor do they have the best food in the world:mjlol:

I tried to watch different shows but they were just not appealing to me. I even tried to watch TNA back then and could not really get into it. There was only one show that caught my attention but it never lasted.

Seeing all those explosions were entertaining as hell:wow: