If Shida stepped on a scale.I will when you stop making racist comments on Japanese wrestlers, Silkk Cornette.
Then you stepped on a scale.
Would she not be considered a little japanese girl in comparison?
If Shida stepped on a scale.I will when you stop making racist comments on Japanese wrestlers, Silkk Cornette.
99.9% of in-shape female wrestlers would be considered little if comparing to my weight.If Shida stepped on a scale.
Then you stepped on a scale.
Would she not be considered a little japanese girl in comparison?
Not stardom. Some other BS
I dont know, Do they?Rampage is an exception. Not like other belts are defended often. Does someone need to search for any complaints when Kenny had the TNA title with him every week?
I dont know, Do they?
Kenny was World Champion in AAA and TNA. I look at that different than all those extra throwaway ass ROH belts, etc.
They are world titles/top titles. Same with Mox and the IWGP title. They have value.I wasn't referring to ROH. You said the NJPW strong women's title that Mercedes has is on there every week. So I'm wondering what's the difference than with Kenny holding the tna and aaa titles. They all the same cuz it's not the home promotion.
Actually the tna title was defended once on rampage when Christian won it. But not a part of the shows other than Kenny carrying it.
They are world titles/top titles. Same with Mox and the IWGP title. They have value.
The NJPW strong titles, ROH titles, etc. do not.
That title still has some value. I’d for damn sure stop putting the ROH titles on AEW TV though.Ok so should Mercedes drop the njpw title or drop the tbs title and go to njpw or just leave the njpw title at home since it doesn't have the same prestige? What would you do if you were in control?
That title still has some value. I’d for damn sure stop putting the ROH titles on AEW TV though.
It would be one thing if it were just the World and tag belts but then there’s:
The Womens title
The Pure title
TV Title
Trios titles
Womens tv title
The only one out of those that actually feels like its gaining in value is The Women’s title and that’s because Athena’s reign has been great and it hasn’t been on AEW TV to look lesser in comparison to the AEW womens belts.
The ROH six man belts just changed hands last nightTrue but they been using the roh titles less on aew, especially dynamite which is the flagship show. You can prolly count on 1 hand the number of times an roh title has been defended on aew programming since the start of the year. Samoa Joe was the one that regularly defended the tv title but since then it rarely gets on there.
I think it's different when someone holds multiple titles cuz it adds to the prestige. Cuz Briscoe I dont think carries around the ROH title and Fletcher I dont think did. Kingston would carry it but he had 3 belts. So guess it depends on how many titles someone may have.
The ROH six man belts just changed hands last night
And Briscoe carries his to tv every week, Which brings down the value imo. You’re supposed to be a world champion yet none of the top AEW stars even see enough value in it to challenge you for it.
Plus Mark Briscoe just has never been a credible singles wrestler. Even in ROH’s darkest times he was never on Jay’s level when they were singles.
Title felt more legit on Gresham, Claudio, and even Jericho.
No, Because it's so worthless that nobody even wants it. Keep that shyt off TV. Less is more.I don't understand the complaint about the ROH title appearing every week, and then the complaint about none of the top aew stars wanting to challenge for the title.
Is it wanting the title to be defended on AEW tv or not? Guess I'm just lost.