I'm going to be honest. I really liked the booking for Ziggler/ADR and the WWE MitB. While the latter left a lot to be desired as a match, I like how Punk and Bryan looked strong, had the match and got fukked over. As the two big non Cena faces I thought it was done perfectly to have you wonder what's going to happen next. Orton winning is fine with me, Punk will always be in the WWE title picture and Bryan is getting there and will keep putting on great performances. We know that Bryan can beat Orton and now we know that he can beat everyone in that match. It also helped with Axel getting a little more shine. While I disliked how he was handled at first it seems like he'll be an Intercontinental champ who can't be beat by his division and will be in and around the big timers, which is great for the belt he's wearing. All in all everyone in the MitB match looked strong even if the match was average. So I'm happy that the non-John Cena top card is all looking good, part timers and all.
Ziggler was done perfectly. I'm actually surprised at how over he is considering he got little to no reaction 6 months ago. And ADR is working well as a heel. I'm actually cheering for Ziggler, which I'm surprised that I'm actually doing. I even like ADR as the arrogant heel. He should stay that way.
I don't care about John Cena segments at all due to me being tired of his act and knowing he'll win. The match was still pretty good, and in a perfect world Henry would have won. But nope. I don't hate John Cena, but he doesn't interest me at all cause I know for a fact that he won't lose unless circumstances insist on it like it did with Punk 2 years ago. So meh, Henry deserves his shine, but it won't happen, at least not this soon.
Ryback is awful. What terrible booking. The supposed monster got his ass handed to him by Jericho and won with a roll up. This turkey's been done, forget about it.
I showed up at the Miz/Axel match and didn't give a shyt cause who gives a shyt about anything involving the Miz. Hell Axel had to be involved in the MitB cause they were too afraid that being stuck with the Miz would kill the Axel angle they got going on.
Can't comment on the first MitB but I do think it's weird that Sandow won, but it is interesting to say the least. And a feud with Cody can be good for the both of them. The Shield keeps winning as they should.
I'm not saying that there will be a turnaround or that the WWE won't fukk this up somehow, but so far I'm impressed. Suffice to say, the build to Summerslam is a thousand times better than the shyt we endured for the last Wrestlemania. I'm already down for that