The Jericho match exposed him much more than this G-1 imo. Jericho had a simple brawl, old school heel layout were the only thing Omega had to do was bump, garner simpathy and mount an interesting comeback. I thought Kenny would pull it off as bumping should come easy to him, but he never really clicked with Chris, who did everything right in that match and gave one of his best performances. It was still a damn good match, but in my eyes it never went to the next level because Kenny couldn't rise up to the occasion in a setting were he should have.
Oh no question Ibushi is better.
I still cringe at that clusterfukk with MiSu last year. If it's not with Okada, Naito, Ibsuhi or Ishii, I can't get excited about an Omega match. I like Kenny but his style doesn't have a plan B.