actually we did find out if they did or didnt have a chance, thats why the nxt womens tag titles came about in the first place
I can make a logical criticism about something without it being considered crying.. just like how you can defend everything wwe/nxt does and not consider yourself a dikkrider or a shill
I personally dont see how this benefits nxt's womens division or how it will be any different than it was in 2019-20 nor do I see the logic of nick khan saying nxt can be a third brand as opposed to developmental when the whole point of nxt revamping in 2021 was to focus on being developmental over a psuedo third brand considering they had and have a log jam of prospects in the PC just stacked in there with more continuing to be routinely added while guys were hogging up spots spending forever in nxt not wanting to go to raw/sd
but anything for ratings I guess